Track 6: 4-15-19 Live Philadelphia PA
Last modified: 2025-02-12T04:12:50
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false
1 --
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
2 --
3 --
SPEAKER_03: How's it going?
4 --
SPEAKER_08: Hey.
5 --
SPEAKER_08: Hey, I'll be seeing.
6 --
SPEAKER_08: How's it going?
7 --
SPEAKER_08: You're doing well?
8 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
9 --
SPEAKER_03: How's everybody doing tonight?
10 --
SPEAKER_03: Glad to be with you.
11 --
SPEAKER_03: Happy Monday, everybody.
12 --
SPEAKER_03: We're going to have a little fun tonight.
13 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you so much.
14 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you, Philadelphia. Thank you very much. Pleasure's mine.
15 --
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
16 --
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
17 --
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
18 --
SPEAKER_03: Hi, yeah, this is Seamus. Shamus Blaha. How are you doing?
19 --
SPEAKER_00: I'm doing okay.
20 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm looking for somewhere to host a community meeting. We're trying to get a community meeting going here.
21 --
SPEAKER_00: Can you hold on, please?
22 --
SPEAKER_03: I don't have a lot of time here, miss.
23 --
SPEAKER_03: Would you be interested in hosting a community meeting if I bring all the melon and cold cuts and so on and so forth?
24 --
SPEAKER_00: No, I'm disabled. I can. I'm sorry.
25 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, not tonight, but maybe sometime in May?
26 --
SPEAKER_00: I can't. I'm disabled. I can hardly walk.
27 --
SPEAKER_03: It has to do with all the opossum and all the prairie dogs in our community, ma'am.
28 --
SPEAKER_03: Surely you can appreciate that, can't.
29 --
SPEAKER_03: Chee, she, jean, cheat, jean, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat.
30 --
SPEAKER_03: Well, you think about it, and I'll get back to you.
31 --
SPEAKER_03: Appreciate your time.
32 --
SPEAKER_03: Woo!
33 --
SPEAKER_03: Woo!
34 --
SPEAKER_12: Awesome.
35 --
SPEAKER_03: Yes, indeed, yes, indeed.
36 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you all for being here tonight.
37 --
SPEAKER_03: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
38 --
SPEAKER_08: Want to take some questions from the audience?
39 --
SPEAKER_03: Certainly do. I certainly do.
40 --
SPEAKER_03: That'd be phenomenal.
41 --
SPEAKER_08: You'd probably want to come down here.
42 --
SPEAKER_08: to see if you get to the mic, that way he can hear you, and we can be closer to the boat.
43 --
SPEAKER_08: Hello?
44 --
SPEAKER_13: Hey, Arthur.
45 --
SPEAKER_13: Yeah.
46 --
SPEAKER_03: Hey, this is Timmy.
47 --
SPEAKER_03: What's you up to you tonight?
48 --
SPEAKER_13: Is who?
49 --
SPEAKER_03: Timmy.
50 --
SPEAKER_03: You heard me.
51 --
SPEAKER_13: Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy.
52 --
SPEAKER_03: Hey, do me a favor.
53 --
SPEAKER_03: Would you bring your receptacles and your bins closer into your house?
54 --
SPEAKER_03: Kind of an eyesore out here.
55 --
SPEAKER_13: What?
56 --
SPEAKER_03: You know, your bin.
57 --
SPEAKER_03: and your receptacles and your cans,
58 --
SPEAKER_03: your recycling bin, all that stuff.
59 --
SPEAKER_03: It's kind of a nice sore out here.
60 --
SPEAKER_03: Bring it in, would you?
61 --
SPEAKER_03: Do the neighborhood of favor.
62 --
SPEAKER_03: Do yourself a favor.
63 --
SPEAKER_03: All right, up, Barrow?
64 --
SPEAKER_03: Who's this?
65 --
SPEAKER_03: This is Timmy there, guy.
66 --
SPEAKER_03: Cheen, jean, jean, jean.
67 --
SPEAKER_13: Who's Timmy?
68 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm in the community, and I don't like what I see you up here.
69 --
SPEAKER_03: Now, surely, you can do us a favor
70 --
SPEAKER_03: and straighten it up a bit,
71 --
SPEAKER_03: and you understand?
72 --
SPEAKER_03: Am I making sense?
73 --
SPEAKER_03: Am I getting through?
74 --
SPEAKER_13: No, you're not getting through.
75 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, no?
76 --
77 --
SPEAKER_03: Hey, well, a good,
78 --
SPEAKER_03: friend of mine's on the city council.
79 --
SPEAKER_03: Why don't we stop by and have a few words with you
80 --
SPEAKER_03: on foot?
81 --
SPEAKER_13: Oh, my
82 --
SPEAKER_13: God.
83 --
SPEAKER_13: What a fucking idiot you are.
84 --
SPEAKER_03: Well, let's get together.
85 --
SPEAKER_03: Come on, rough, man.
86 --
SPEAKER_13: What?
87 --
SPEAKER_03: Come on, rough, man.
88 --
SPEAKER_03: Let's put our heads together and come up with
89 --
SPEAKER_03: a little game plan here tonight.
90 --
SPEAKER_03: I don't like what I see.
91 --
SPEAKER_03: Do not like what I see.
92 --
SPEAKER_03: Am I clearer?
93 --
SPEAKER_03: Look, I just do as a favor.
94 --
SPEAKER_03: Pick it up.
95 --
SPEAKER_03: All right.
96 --
SPEAKER_03: Get out there and strain it up.
97 --
SPEAKER_03: What?
98 --
SPEAKER_03: Pick up your bins, guy.
99 --
SPEAKER_03: Your garbage can.
100 --
SPEAKER_03: Where is it?
101 --
SPEAKER_03: It's a mess, is what it is.
102 --
SPEAKER_03: All right?
103 --
SPEAKER_03: Where is it?
104 --
SPEAKER_03: It's too close to me.
105 --
SPEAKER_03: It's too close to my property line.
106 --
SPEAKER_03: And I don't like what I see.
107 --
SPEAKER_13: What's your property line?
108 --
SPEAKER_13: What's your address?
109 --
SPEAKER_03: You know, gargone, well, my address is.
110 --
SPEAKER_03: You're not fooling anybody.
111 --
SPEAKER_13: I do.
112 --
SPEAKER_03: Pick it up.
113 --
SPEAKER_03: You got it?
114 --
SPEAKER_13: Not tonight.
115 --
SPEAKER_03: What's it going to take for me to get through to you?
116 --
SPEAKER_13: Huh?
117 --
SPEAKER_03: What is it going to take?
118 --
SPEAKER_13: I get rid of tomorrow.
119 --
SPEAKER_13: Morning.
120 --
SPEAKER_03: Tomorrow.
121 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, it's all.
122 --
SPEAKER_03: You're full of excuses.
123 --
SPEAKER_03: Every time I turn around, huh?
124 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, I'll do it later.
125 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, it's not my problem.
126 --
SPEAKER_03: It's, you know, just getting gear, guy.
127 --
SPEAKER_03: All right.
128 --
SPEAKER_03: Otherwise, I'm going to stop by and pay you a visit on foot.
129 --
SPEAKER_03: Comprendi?
130 --
SPEAKER_13: Well, if you come on my property, then you'd better bring a body bag for yourself.
131 --
None: A body bag.
132 --
SPEAKER_03: What do you get in that?
133 --
SPEAKER_03: What?
134 --
SPEAKER_03: I'll bring my horse whip.
135 --
SPEAKER_03: If you try to get me any lip.
136 --
SPEAKER_03: And we'll see who needs the bags then, tough guy, huh?
137 --
SPEAKER_03: What do you say to this one?
138 --
SPEAKER_13: Come on open.
139 --
SPEAKER_13: Bring a body bag, boy.
140 --
SPEAKER_13: I just love to do it.
141 --
SPEAKER_03: I'll bring my bull whip and take care you a one, two, three.
142 --
SPEAKER_03: Splat.
143 --
SPEAKER_03: That's it.
144 --
SPEAKER_03: End the story.
145 --
SPEAKER_13: Bring anything you want, scumbag.
146 --
SPEAKER_03: How's that freaking sound there, rough mound?
147 --
SPEAKER_13: Yeah.
148 --
SPEAKER_13: I'm waiting.
149 --
SPEAKER_03: You're going to be laying on the sidewalk.
150 --
SPEAKER_03: What not?
151 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm done with you.
152 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to roll you into traffic.
153 --
SPEAKER_03: What do you think of that one?
154 --
SPEAKER_13: That sounds good.
155 --
SPEAKER_03: Well, do yourself a favor.
156 --
SPEAKER_03: Straighten it up.
157 --
SPEAKER_03: If you don't, I'm going to stop by in the morning of a bright and early and pay a little visit.
158 --
SPEAKER_03: Comprenda?
159 --
SPEAKER_13: Yeah, do that.
160 --
SPEAKER_03: I'll do it.
161 --
SPEAKER_13: Do that.
162 --
SPEAKER_13: Okay.
163 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you.
164 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you, Philadelphia.
165 --
SPEAKER_03: Sorry about that.
166 --
SPEAKER_06: First of all, I was going to have a nervous study of your work.
167 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you.
168 --
SPEAKER_06: One of the many things that elevate your phone work to an art point is the sincere emotional responses that they invoke,
169 --
SPEAKER_06: whether it's confusion and anger or some form of manic joy.
170 --
SPEAKER_06: And there's a few calls for me that stand out decisively.
171 --
SPEAKER_06: Super Nintendo is a big one of them.
172 --
SPEAKER_06: There's a specific one of them. There's this an emotional response there.
173 --
SPEAKER_06: I was wondering if there were any you had that affected you emotionally in any way.
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SPEAKER_03: Like in a Stuart Smatley sort of way, doggone it?
175 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, thinking back, you know, it's just a thing here and there.
176 --
SPEAKER_03: I'll tell you one thing.
177 --
SPEAKER_03: There was a guy who commissioned me to call his girlfriend.
178 --
SPEAKER_03: He's a big listener to LaMont loves it.
179 --
SPEAKER_03: And to equal proportion, his girlfriend.
180 --
SPEAKER_03: girlfriend hates it. Hates me. Never met me, but hates me. Just so much.
181 --
SPEAKER_03: So he actually commissioned me to call her. It's a track called Profideral Fratada. I don't know if anyone's
182 --
SPEAKER_03: at all familiar with that particular call. It's one of my least favorite tracks. It just fills me with,
183 --
SPEAKER_03: gosh, I don't know. She's just rude. She's an awful chick. I don't know what her problem is. That one
184 --
SPEAKER_03: fills me with rage, pretty much.
185 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you. It's a cornucopia of emotion, is what I'm saying, to be found.
186 --
SPEAKER_03: But thank you so much. I'll give it some more thought. Give it some more thought here.
187 --
SPEAKER_12: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, oh, oh, yeah. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hey.
188 --
SPEAKER_03: Hey, man, I'm going to be fired up my jackhammer here. I just wanted to clear it with you in advance.
189 --
SPEAKER_03: What kind of event? I got my jackhammer. I'm going to fire it up here tonight and get working. I just wanted to notify you up front. So there's no surprises, all right?
190 --
SPEAKER_01: What's your name?
191 --
SPEAKER_03: Seamus Blaha. I'm new to the area.
192 --
SPEAKER_03: Where you live? I got your number off a bulletin board up at the market, you know.
193 --
SPEAKER_12: Okay.
194 --
SPEAKER_03: So I'm going to get started in about 11 p.m., my jackhammer.
195 --
SPEAKER_01: What's your address?
196 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, I'm just Caddy Corner, too, you.
197 --
SPEAKER_01: Well, I wanted you to help me. I'm going to have a party for all the neighbors, see if you wanted to help me.
198 --
SPEAKER_03: When's that taking place?
199 --
SPEAKER_01: Well, whenever we decide to do it and find out everybody's name.
200 --
SPEAKER_03: Well, I'm Seamus Blaha, if you want to jot that down.
201 --
SPEAKER_01: Well, can you email? I've got my hands full.
202 --
SPEAKER_01: Oh, do you?
203 --
SPEAKER_01: Tell me, Bill Foster.
204 --
SPEAKER_03: Bill Foster.
205 --
SPEAKER_01: Bill Foster at
206 --
SPEAKER_03: How about I come over and help myself to some snacks in the kitchen?
207 --
SPEAKER_00: Thanks for Conigloff Capitol Hill.
208 --
SPEAKER_00: Can you hold, please?
209 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, sure.
210 --
SPEAKER_00: Thank you.
211 --
SPEAKER_00: Who is that?
212 --
SPEAKER_03: Can I come over and fix myself some vittles here tonight?
213 --
SPEAKER_01: How about tomorrow?
214 --
SPEAKER_03: How about tomorrow?
215 --
SPEAKER_03: Well, tonight would be better for me.
216 --
SPEAKER_01: It really would.
217 --
SPEAKER_03: Is that work?
218 --
SPEAKER_01: Work, work.
219 --
SPEAKER_01: Work?
220 --
SPEAKER_03: Thanks for calling Nicholas.
221 --
SPEAKER_01: How can I help you?
222 --
SPEAKER_03: Hi, I need to get a fountain drink.
223 --
SPEAKER_01: All right, you can just come get that then.
224 --
SPEAKER_12: It's okay.
225 --
226 --
SPEAKER_12: Woo!
227 --
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
228 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah.
229 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah.
230 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah.
231 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
232 --
SPEAKER_03: How are we tonight?
233 --
SPEAKER_09: Doing great. How are you?
234 --
SPEAKER_03: Perfect. Lay it on me. I'm happy to be here.
235 --
SPEAKER_07: I have a question. I've been wondering.
236 --
SPEAKER_07: You've always had a cult following.
237 --
SPEAKER_07: It's kind of, especially since the age of the internet where popularity is growing, things like that.
238 --
SPEAKER_07: Especially now with the movie that we have all just seen, how we've been feeling about, like,
239 --
SPEAKER_07: talking more about your process, kind of like, rolling inside the aura and an enemy about you.
240 --
SPEAKER_07: How does it feel to talk a little bit more about what you do and share kind of like with the world what the process is, what you do?
241 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, thanks for asking. I'm just beginning to find out. It's certainly uncharted territory, never having been in a movie before, having anything to do with or any concept, really, of what it involved.
242 --
SPEAKER_03: I mean, I had a concept.
243 --
SPEAKER_03: But, you know, lots of emails and letters coming in, lots of well-wishers.
244 --
SPEAKER_03: So that part of it's really nice.
245 --
SPEAKER_03: It is a bit of an adjustment.
246 --
SPEAKER_03: But, no, it's been really positive so far.
247 --
SPEAKER_03: It's been a rarity up to this point, so that's another positive, you know?
248 --
SPEAKER_10: Hello.
249 --
SPEAKER_03: Hey, Stuart.
250 --
SPEAKER_10: Yeah.
251 --
SPEAKER_03: Hi, how you doing?
252 --
SPEAKER_10: Hey, I'm doing well. How are you doing?
253 --
SPEAKER_03: Good. This is Brorie.
254 --
SPEAKER_10: Brody?
255 --
SPEAKER_03: Rory.
256 --
SPEAKER_10: Oh, Rory.
257 --
SPEAKER_10: Yeah.
258 --
SPEAKER_10: Hey, how's it going?
259 --
SPEAKER_03: Not too bad.
260 --
SPEAKER_03: What's been happening?
261 --
SPEAKER_10: How much?
262 --
SPEAKER_10: I'm watching a movie about Baroneys right now.
263 --
SPEAKER_10: Um, with my roommates.
264 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah?
265 --
SPEAKER_10: And, uh, yeah.
266 --
SPEAKER_10: You know who's been on my mind lately is Alex Trebek, and I was wondering if you've gotten a hold of him since the whole diagnosis.
267 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah, I've talked to him a couple times.
268 --
SPEAKER_10: Yeah.
269 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
270 --
SPEAKER_10: He seemed to be in good spirits.
271 --
SPEAKER_03: Definitely. Definitely. He's no worse for the wear, at least, you know, verbally sounding.
272 --
SPEAKER_03: But, yeah. I was happy to talk to him. He was happy to pick up. So, no, I felt weird calling him,
273 --
SPEAKER_03: but he's still dishing it out, you know?
274 --
SPEAKER_10: Yeah. Did he have any, like, shipments on the way to his house or anything when you called him?
275 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
276 --
SPEAKER_10: Yeah.
277 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh. Oh, nice time.
278 --
SPEAKER_10: Is it going to be on the same?
279 --
SPEAKER_10: next record?
280 --
SPEAKER_03: He was, uh, preparing a shipment, actually.
281 --
SPEAKER_13: Oh, really?
282 --
SPEAKER_13: Come over already.
283 --
SPEAKER_03: What are you doing, guy?
284 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm supposed to meet you outside. What are you doing? What are you waiting for?
285 --
SPEAKER_13: I've been out. I've been outside.
286 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, bullshit.
287 --
SPEAKER_13: Really?
288 --
SPEAKER_10: Dude, you're full of shit, man.
289 --
SPEAKER_13: Yeah. Bring my fucking bell then. Come over already.
290 --
SPEAKER_10: Hey, man, can you cut cut it with the language? I've got my kid on the line here.
291 --
SPEAKER_13: You got to see.
292 --
SPEAKER_13: Get on the line?
293 --
SPEAKER_13: Ring my fucking bell.
294 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to ring your neck, guy.
295 --
SPEAKER_03: What I'm going to do.
296 --
SPEAKER_13: Ring my neck, then, you little dickhead.
297 --
SPEAKER_10: Hey, again, language.
298 --
SPEAKER_13: Fuck you, scumbag.
299 --
SPEAKER_13: Ring my bell.
300 --
SPEAKER_03: What do you prepare to do about it there, guy?
301 --
SPEAKER_13: Ring my bell, but you'll see.
302 --
SPEAKER_03: You're going to be seeing stars, guy, once I'm done pummeling.
303 --
SPEAKER_13: Really?
304 --
SPEAKER_13: I've been seeing stars.
305 --
SPEAKER_13: saw us when your wife is sucking my dick.
306 --
SPEAKER_03: Hey, look at here, Bono.
307 --
SPEAKER_13: When I'm...
308 --
SPEAKER_13: Blu-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-I.
309 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to take care of you real quick. I'm going to take care of you tonight.
310 --
SPEAKER_12: Good.
311 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to lay you out.
312 --
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to take care you real quick. I'm going to take care of you tonight.
313 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to lay you out.
314 --
SPEAKER_03: Lay you out.
315 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to...
316 --
SPEAKER_10: I'm going to...
317 --
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to...
318 --
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to take care you tonight.
319 --
SPEAKER_10: I'm going to lay you out.
320 --
SPEAKER_10: You what?
321 --
SPEAKER_04: I think you're a pussy, man.
322 --
SPEAKER_10: I think you're a pussy, man.
323 --
SPEAKER_10: I'm going to lay you out.
324 --
SPEAKER_13: I'm going to lay you out.
325 --
SPEAKER_05: I'm going to lay you real quick.
326 --
SPEAKER_13: Yeah, well, come on over this kid.
327 --
SPEAKER_03: You just are going to lay you out.
328 --
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, no, can I'm outside.
329 --
SPEAKER_04: I'm not sorry.
330 --
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to take care you right. I'm going to take care of you tonight.
331 --
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to lay out.
332 --
SPEAKER_03: Look at here, horses' ass.
333 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to take care of you.
334 --
SPEAKER_03: leg rest of you well into the night.
335 --
SPEAKER_03: You feel me?
336 --
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to lay you out.
337 --
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to take care of you real quick.
338 --
SPEAKER_10: I'm going to kick you ass.
339 --
SPEAKER_10: Yeah, I think you're a little pussy.
340 --
SPEAKER_10: That's why you, uh, that's why you talk to big game because you got short arms.
341 --
SPEAKER_03: He's got a short attention span.
342 --
SPEAKER_03: Hey, man, take care.
343 --
SPEAKER_10: Hey, man, you too.
344 --
SPEAKER_10: Thanks so much for calling.
345 --
SPEAKER_03: Hey, thank you.
346 --
SPEAKER_03: I'll talk to you soon.
347 --
SPEAKER_10: All right, peace.
348 --
SPEAKER_03: Uh-huh.
349 --
SPEAKER_03: Bye.
350 --
351 --
SPEAKER_02: Thank you for being here.
352 --
SPEAKER_02: It's awesome.
353 --
SPEAKER_02: It's awesome.
354 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, awes.
355 --
SPEAKER_02: It's awesome.
356 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, awesome.
357 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, awesome.
358 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, awesome.
359 --
SPEAKER_03: You just are.
360 --
SPEAKER_03: You're awesome.
361 --
SPEAKER_03: People of Philadelphia, I got to tell you right here.
362 --
SPEAKER_03: Woo.
363 --
SPEAKER_03: So, yeah.
364 --
SPEAKER_09: Hey, LPC, we're going to have to, we're going to have to cut it short here.
365 --
SPEAKER_09: We've got another screening, as you know, coming up in about 25 minutes.
366 --
SPEAKER_09: So I think on behalf of the audience here, we'd like to thank you.
367 --
SPEAKER_09: for taking the time to call us.
368 --
SPEAKER_09: Thank you.
369 --
SPEAKER_09: Thank you.
370 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you, guys.
371 --
SPEAKER_03: Blessed be.
372 --
SPEAKER_03: Have a fantastic evening.
373 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you so much.
374 --
SPEAKER_03: I'll talk to you soon.
375 --
SPEAKER_03: I'll see you soon.
376 --
SPEAKER_03: Take care.