Track 16: 6-20-19 Live Los Angeles CA
Last modified: 2025-02-12T04:12:50
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false
1 --
SPEAKER_03: Hello.
2 --
3 --
SPEAKER_03: How you doing?
4 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, blah.
5 --
SPEAKER_03: Los Angeles.
6 --
7 --
SPEAKER_01: This is the warm of us today.
8 --
SPEAKER_01: We're all here for you, man.
9 --
SPEAKER_01: We're all here for you.
10 --
SPEAKER_03: For you?
11 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you.
12 --
SPEAKER_03: Thank you.
13 --
SPEAKER_03: a little fun.
14 --
SPEAKER_02: I'm unable to take a call right now, please.
15 --
SPEAKER_03: Goodbye.
16 --
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah.
17 --
SPEAKER_03: We're going to just do a little of this, little of that.
18 --
SPEAKER_03: If anybody has a phone number, you know, kind of thing,
19 --
SPEAKER_03: please feel free to share that one time real quick.
20 --
SPEAKER_03: Otherwise, I'm going to be clicking away here and doing this and doing that.
21 --
SPEAKER_03: What?
22 --
SPEAKER_02: I know here.
23 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, man.
24 --
SPEAKER_02: You do it the only way you know how.
25 --
SPEAKER_02: Did anybody have any phone numbers?
26 --
SPEAKER_02: They want to call me on.
27 --
SPEAKER_00: I don't think she's talking very well tonight here.
28 --
SPEAKER_00: You know what?
29 --
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
30 --
SPEAKER_03: Hey, Mark.
31 --
SPEAKER_02: Who is this?
32 --
SPEAKER_03: This is Percival.
33 --
SPEAKER_03: I just moved in next door.
34 --
SPEAKER_03: How you doing?
35 --
SPEAKER_02: I'm good.
36 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, hey, I'm a whip, master.
37 --
SPEAKER_03: You got about a 28-foot horse whip.
38 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to be outside tomorrow morning practicing.
39 --
SPEAKER_03: I just want to make sure you're not going to be outdoors.
40 --
SPEAKER_03: Just stay inside if that would be okay at this one time.
41 --
SPEAKER_03: Would that be all right with you?
42 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, that's fine.
43 --
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
44 --
SPEAKER_02: I don't understand what you're asking me.
45 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm asking you to not be outside for your own safety, is what I'm asking you.
46 --
SPEAKER_03: Is that going to be a problem or not a problem?
47 --
SPEAKER_02: Uh, I guess if it's from my own safety, it shouldn't be a problem.
48 --
SPEAKER_03: I mean, are you feeling tough, or, I mean, I don't want any liability on my hands.
49 --
SPEAKER_03: I got a 28-foot bullwhip spinning around here, all right?
50 --
SPEAKER_02: I don't even know what that means?
51 --
SPEAKER_02: It means a bullwhip.
52 --
SPEAKER_03: It's a whopper of a whip.
53 --
SPEAKER_03: You know, I get this thing cracking through the air.
54 --
SPEAKER_03: All right.
55 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm a whip.
56 --
SPEAKER_02: I'm taking a dump right now.
57 --
SPEAKER_03: That was Mark, everybody.
58 --
SPEAKER_03: Getting wild.
59 --
SPEAKER_03: Getting tough.
60 --
SPEAKER_01: Raleighless or this is me?
61 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, auto parts.
62 --
SPEAKER_01: This is Oroletes in my, pahoo.
63 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I need a new VIN number, like, Pronto.
64 --
SPEAKER_03: Can you guys hook me up?
65 --
SPEAKER_01: I'm sorry.
66 --
SPEAKER_01: Say that again?
67 --
SPEAKER_03: I need a new VIN number, like immediately.
68 --
SPEAKER_03: It's kind of an emergency for my car.
69 --
SPEAKER_01: We do not give away VIN numbers.
70 --
SPEAKER_01: We don't, we don't, maybe you have to contact DMV or something.
71 --
SPEAKER_03: for that one boss or the um how about seven hundred dollars i'll give you seven hundred
72 --
SPEAKER_01: dollars i'm sorry sir i'm very busy i don't have time for for for for jokes okay i want to shove you
73 --
SPEAKER_03: around here okay how's that sound yeah thank you that was a hawaiian auto parts store i i guess they're
74 --
SPEAKER_04: cutting us off man lassegeles thank you talk to your people no no talk to your people long long talk to your
75 --
SPEAKER_04: out of you.
76 --
SPEAKER_04: It's Los Angeles.
77 --
SPEAKER_04: I love you.
78 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you so much.
79 --
SPEAKER_04: Los Angeles.
80 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you so much.
81 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you so much.
82 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you so very much.
83 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you so very much.
84 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you so very much.
85 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you for a wonderful day.
86 --
SPEAKER_04: I know him.
87 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you so much.
88 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you so much.
89 --
SPEAKER_04: Thank you so much.
90 --
SPEAKER_04: Good night.
91 --
SPEAKER_03: Good night.
92 --
SPEAKER_03: What?
93 --
SPEAKER_03: I know him.
94 --
SPEAKER_03: Good night.
95 --
SPEAKER_03: Good night.
96 --
SPEAKER_03: Good night.
97 --
SPEAKER_03: Good night.
98 --
None: Good night.
99 --
None: Good night.
100 --
None: I don't hear.
101 --
None: Uh-huh.
102 --
None: So, that.
103 --
None: I don't hear.
104 --
SPEAKER_00: crap that
105 --
None: I don't hear you.
106 --
None: I don't think.
107 --
None: Uh-huh.
108 --
None: Uh-huh.
109 --
SPEAKER_00: That was good here.
110 --
111 --
SPEAKER_00: I don't think she's talking very well than I here.
112 --
None: Oh.
113 --
None: Oh.
114 --
None: Oh.
115 --
None: Oh.
116 --
None: Oh.
117 --
118 --
119 --
SPEAKER_00: Woo-hoo.