Longmont Potion Castle 12 (2016)
Track 19: Babakuntos Coffers
Last modified: 2025-02-11T20:56:17
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false
1 --
None: Hello.
2 --
SPEAKER_00: Hi, this is Felix.
3 --
SPEAKER_00: Hi, Felix.
4 --
5 --
SPEAKER_00: How's it good.
6 --
SPEAKER_00: My last name's Baba Qantas.
7 --
SPEAKER_00: What about Babacuntos?
8 --
SPEAKER_00: That's my last name.
9 --
SPEAKER_01: Felix, Babacunto.
10 --
SPEAKER_00: That's right.
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SPEAKER_01: How's your last name working for you?
12 --
SPEAKER_00: Not too well, actually. I got a copy-requent.
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SPEAKER_00: copyright infringement charge slapped on me.
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SPEAKER_00: For what?
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SPEAKER_01: Are you trying to advertise or something?
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SPEAKER_00: I'm not in the courtroom yet, smart guys, so I guess I don't know.
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SPEAKER_00: Oh, sorry.
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SPEAKER_00: You'll find out after I do.
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SPEAKER_00: Not before.
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SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I guess.
21 --
SPEAKER_00: So I got your voicemail.
22 --
SPEAKER_00: Couldn't understand a word.
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SPEAKER_00: You didn't make a word.
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SPEAKER_00: lick of sense, if you ask me.
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SPEAKER_01: Uh, sorry. I, um, I got your call, but I just woken up after really bad shit lag.
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SPEAKER_01: So, it's the phone, I sleep in the whole day.
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SPEAKER_00: You saw that I called?
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah, this is a pay phone.
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SPEAKER_00: It wasn't me that called.
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SPEAKER_01: Maybe it was, I guess, some other guy who wouldn't pay phone call me.
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah, well, this is Felix Babacuntos.
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SPEAKER_00: I'm not some other guy on the street.
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SPEAKER_00: other guy on the street, just like that you bump into.
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SPEAKER_00: Alright?
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37 --
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, all right.
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SPEAKER_00: I had this number of states under a grove or...
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SPEAKER_00: I don't know why.
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I sure as hell don't know either.
41 --
SPEAKER_00: This is a pay phone at an infirmary.
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SPEAKER_01: Oh, kind of infirmary.
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SPEAKER_01: Like, a college infirmary?
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SPEAKER_00: An infirmary for the infirmed.
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SPEAKER_00: Do you have some sort of ailment?
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SPEAKER_01: I think you have a cold.
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SPEAKER_01: Uh, should I be inferred?
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SPEAKER_00: Come down and find out.
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SPEAKER_01: Now into, uh, K-Town.
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SPEAKER_00: We're in K-town, yes.
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None: K-Town.
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah, and we listen to a lot of K-pop.
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SPEAKER_00: I suppose you got a problem with that, too?
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SPEAKER_01: Well, K-pop is good.
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SPEAKER_01: And like, uh, she and shush in.
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SPEAKER_00: You would.
60 --
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
61 --
SPEAKER_01: He's that, that 400-year-old professor.
62 --
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
63 --
SPEAKER_00: Well, I suppose you know all about the Babocuntos family tree, or else you wouldn't be calling.
64 --
SPEAKER_01: I don't know anything about the Babo Kuntas' family tree, actually.
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SPEAKER_01: What does it entail?
66 --
SPEAKER_00: Finance, high finance, in fact.
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SPEAKER_00: High finance.
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SPEAKER_01: Is that like a high-hand expert at finance?
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
70 --
SPEAKER_00: So would you be willing to send a PayPal donation to our coffers?
71 --
SPEAKER_00: We'd sure pre-hand.
72 --
SPEAKER_00: Appreciate it.
73 --
SPEAKER_01: Do you have a offer confirmation page?
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SPEAKER_01: I guess do you have like a brochure with it about what you guys do?
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SPEAKER_00: No, we're paperless, sir.
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SPEAKER_01: Oh, do you have like a metal stamping or laser engraving?
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SPEAKER_00: No, no.
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SPEAKER_00: We send you a PDF if you donate above the $25 level.
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SPEAKER_01: So, like a crowdfunding menu?
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SPEAKER_00: No, we're one-on-one.
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SPEAKER_01: What other levels are available?
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SPEAKER_01: You know, I might be a client level.
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SPEAKER_01: to bump up my level if there's some more powerful content available.
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SPEAKER_00: We just offer the PDF booklet and we're looking for an infusion.
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SPEAKER_01: Alright, I'll put it in consideration on my to-do list.
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SPEAKER_00: Great.
87 --
SPEAKER_01: Do you have an address that I can forward this Comfercoigne?
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SPEAKER_00: Yes, it's an email address.
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SPEAKER_01: Yes, okay.
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None: Okay.
91 --
SPEAKER_01: I've got my subscribe ready.
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SPEAKER_00: One moment please.