Longmont Potion Castle 20 (2023)
Track 8: Clashettes
Last modified: 2025-02-14T11:43:28
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false
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SPEAKER_12: I think it's pretty crazy that you ordered four peacocks.
2 --
SPEAKER_12: I think it's pretty crazy, too.
3 --
SPEAKER_12: You better pay for what you ordered.
4 --
SPEAKER_12: That's my point, I'm trying to make.
5 --
SPEAKER_11: Well, I'll tell you. I didn't order it, so I don't know what the hell to pay you.
6 --
SPEAKER_12: I'm going to send a couple of security guards down there.
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SPEAKER_11: Hey, and bring your paperwork with you.
8 --
SPEAKER_11: Don't forget the paperwork.
9 --
SPEAKER_11: What's that paperwork in there?
10 --
SPEAKER_11: Well, straight-night out real goddamn.
11 --
SPEAKER_11: real goddamn quick.
12 --
SPEAKER_12: I'm gonna follow a lawsuit against you.
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SPEAKER_12: How's you what?
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SPEAKER_12: What do you think about that?
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SPEAKER_11: You try it? You ain't get the shit off of me.
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SPEAKER_09: I'll tell you what. What's your number over there?
17 --
SPEAKER_09: Let me call you back.
18 --
SPEAKER_09: Hey, that's fine, how?
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SPEAKER_09: What's the number?
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SPEAKER_12: 1-800-pick UPS.
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SPEAKER_09: And that'll get me right to you.
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SPEAKER_12: No, you have to enter 93-90.
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SPEAKER_09: 93-90.
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SPEAKER_09: 1-800-pick UPS.
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SPEAKER_09: and then when the operator comes up, punch in 9390,
26 --
SPEAKER_09: and that gets me to where?
27 --
SPEAKER_09: It's going to get you to my kneebone.
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SPEAKER_09: The second.
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SPEAKER_09: Okay, do you get off on this shit? Is this what you do all day?
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None: What are you doing?
31 --
SPEAKER_02: What are you doing?
32 --
SPEAKER_02: Pee-do-jib-jibble-jab.
33 --
SPEAKER_02: Ah, let's do this for like an hour, man. I love it.
34 --
SPEAKER_02: Ah, let's do this for like an hour, man. I love it.
35 --
SPEAKER_02: Is this Kurt?
36 --
SPEAKER_02: No, this is Fred.
37 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, this is Kurt.
38 --
SPEAKER_02: Oh, I'm sorry.
39 --
SPEAKER_02: I must have got the wrong Kurt.
40 --
SPEAKER_02: No, this is me. What's going on?
41 --
SPEAKER_02: Nothing?
42 --
SPEAKER_12: What you doing tonight?
43 --
SPEAKER_02: Huh?
44 --
SPEAKER_02: This don't sound like Kirk, man.
45 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I'm sick, man.
46 --
SPEAKER_02: Uh, that's Henry.
47 --
SPEAKER_02: Huh?
48 --
SPEAKER_02: Who is it?
49 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, it's Henry.
50 --
SPEAKER_02: What's up, man?
51 --
SPEAKER_02: Not much. What's going on?
52 --
SPEAKER_02: Nothing? What are you up to?
53 --
SPEAKER_02: Uh, I'm getting ready to go to Denny's.
54 --
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah?
55 --
SPEAKER_02: Some Denny's, huh?
56 --
SPEAKER_02: Fuck.
57 --
SPEAKER_02: Hell yeah.
58 --
SPEAKER_02: Got me some noodles.
59 --
SPEAKER_02: I heard that, bro.
60 --
SPEAKER_02: I hung over last night.
61 --
SPEAKER_02: Damn.
62 --
SPEAKER_02: Hey, where's Kirk Kat?
63 --
SPEAKER_02: He's playing tennis.
64 --
SPEAKER_02: Oh, tennis.
65 --
SPEAKER_02: Tennis?
66 --
SPEAKER_02: Fuh.
67 --
SPEAKER_02: So, you're gonna meet us on Orange Julius later?
68 --
SPEAKER_02: Huh?
69 --
SPEAKER_02: Orange Julius?
70 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
71 --
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
72 --
SPEAKER_02: I think I got the wrong number, dude.
73 --
SPEAKER_00: I don't know what I don't know what I mean the guy to play the acoustic and I'm saying the bass, I'm saying the bass, you know, it's me again.
74 --
SPEAKER_01: I'm saying the guy that played the acoustic, I'm saying the bass, you know what I mean?
75 --
SPEAKER_01: It's like a good condition of bass.
76 --
SPEAKER_01: This in the base, real clean and clear, right?
77 --
SPEAKER_01: I think they got it wired up and everything.
78 --
SPEAKER_01: I see wires and stuff all up in there.
79 --
SPEAKER_01: This is where you can find all the black entertainers.
80 --
SPEAKER_01: They've been here in East Texas.
81 --
SPEAKER_03: Hi, my name is Ricky Knapp.
82 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm 16 years old.
83 --
SPEAKER_03: I live in Vancouver, Washington, and I heard you guys might be signing on new artists
84 --
SPEAKER_03: or you guys help people search for it.
85 --
SPEAKER_03: And so here's a little preview of what I can do.
86 --
SPEAKER_03: Here it goes.
87 --
SPEAKER_04: How did I get here?
88 --
SPEAKER_04: I turned around and there you were.
89 --
SPEAKER_04: I didn't think twice and irrationalized
90 --
SPEAKER_04: because somehow I knew that there was more than just chemistry.
91 --
SPEAKER_04: I mean, I knew you were kind of into me,
92 --
SPEAKER_04: but I figured it was too good to be true.
93 --
SPEAKER_04: I said, pinch me where's the catch this time?
94 --
SPEAKER_04: Can't find a single cloud in the sky.
95 --
SPEAKER_04: Help me before I get used to this guy.
96 --
SPEAKER_04: They say that good things take time.
97 --
SPEAKER_04: But really great, things happen in a blink of a night.
98 --
SPEAKER_04: Oh, oh.
99 --
SPEAKER_10: This is Jonathan Matthew.
100 --
SPEAKER_10: Sold 50,000 units of music on the streets of Amherst, Massachusetts.
101 --
SPEAKER_10: I am now spending most of my time alone.
102 --
SPEAKER_10: And that's all.
103 --
SPEAKER_10: I was lying.
104 --
SPEAKER_10: about and I don't go out anymore because I don't want to be around people who are going to believe a lie like that.
105 --
SPEAKER_10: Me and myself, I play keyboards, drum machines, turntables, oscillators, guitar, pace.
106 --
SPEAKER_10: I love to write drum beats on a little drum machine.
107 --
SPEAKER_10: I'm extremely prolific to the point of being like crazy.
108 --
SPEAKER_10: I'm crazy anyway and I like like that.
109 --
SPEAKER_10: And I like that.
110 --
SPEAKER_10: I don't want to be normal. Normal people scare me.
111 --
SPEAKER_10: I mean, my music really speaks loud.
112 --
SPEAKER_10: Please call me back.
113 --
SPEAKER_05: But anyway, you know, that's over the northwest sector.
114 --
SPEAKER_05: You know, at Dallas, this head over there.
115 --
SPEAKER_05: Get you a place, kickback.
116 --
SPEAKER_05: You know, and be cold.
117 --
SPEAKER_05: That's tough.
118 --
SPEAKER_05: Be fire stuff up.
119 --
SPEAKER_05: Burn it up.
120 --
SPEAKER_05: Just fire it up everywhere.
121 --
SPEAKER_05: Just fire it up everywhere.
122 --
SPEAKER_05: There you. Big poop panties and stuff.
123 --
SPEAKER_05: A big poop man is.
124 --
SPEAKER_05: I didn't even had to get you up if you wanted to.
125 --
None: I don't go to fire.
126 --
SPEAKER_05: I don't get that bird going.
127 --
SPEAKER_07: I don't believe society exists.
128 --
SPEAKER_06: There's no such thing as society.
129 --
SPEAKER_06: The idea of society is something that was used by parents and teachers
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SPEAKER_06: and clergymen and other authority figures in order to control children as children as children are used.
131 --
SPEAKER_06: As children are growing up, in order to believe that there's something called society,
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SPEAKER_06: so that when they do grow up, they become complacent as sheep,
133 --
SPEAKER_06: and behave in these proscribed manners and build some sort of imaginary power structure
134 --
SPEAKER_06: that only benefits people in positions of power.
135 --
SPEAKER_06: But power itself is an illusion.
136 --
SPEAKER_06: The only thing that power means is that people agree that somebody should be in power.
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SPEAKER_06: And that's how people like Jim Jones rise to power.
138 --
SPEAKER_06: He gets a lot of people.
139 --
SPEAKER_06: people to agree that he should be in charge and that they should listen to him.
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SPEAKER_06: And if you don't like people like Jim Jones or Hitler or anybody in power, you don't even fight with them.
141 --
SPEAKER_06: You just walk away from them and say, I don't need you.
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SPEAKER_06: I don't need your leadership.
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SPEAKER_06: I don't need you to tell me what to do.
144 --
SPEAKER_06: Hello.
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SPEAKER_08: Okay, you're making a collect call.
146 --
SPEAKER_08: This is a sprint operator?
147 --
SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
148 --
SPEAKER_03: Is this a wrong number?
149 --
150 --
SPEAKER_08: It's been reported to me that there's just a different number.
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152 --
SPEAKER_08: been several calls made to this number.
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SPEAKER_03: I'm trying to get through.
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SPEAKER_03: I haven't got through it yet.
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SPEAKER_08: Okay, but the party that we're calling keeps refusing the charges.