Longmont Potion Castle 16 (2019)
Track 11: LPC 16 Medley 3
Last modified: 2025-02-14T11:42:08
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? true
Subtitles adjusted? true
1 --
Woman #1: Hello?
2 --
LPC: Hi, how are you tonight?
3 --
Woman #1: I'm doing fine.
4 --
LPC: Oh, good.
5 --
LPC: Listen, I'm going to be revving up my jackhammer.
6 --
LPC: I just wanted to clear it with you, make sure that was all right.
7 --
Woman #1: What you're talking about?
8 --
Wayne Bent: Yes, yes.
9 --
LPC: I'm going to get my jackhammer cranked up here tonight, ma'am.
10 --
LPC: It's going to make some loud volume.
11 --
LPC: I just wanted to make sure that was okay with you.
12 --
Woman #1: Oh, we're our neighbors?
13 --
LPC: Yeah, we're your neighbor.
14 --
LPC: Uh-huh. Yeah, uh-huh.
15 --
LPC: I'm going to plug it in.
16 --
LPC: to your outlet out front, okay, with my extension cord.
17 --
LPC: Is that okay?
18 --
Woman #1: What you want?
19 --
Woman #1: Huh?
20 --
LPC: I'm not?
21 --
Woman #1: He warns.
22 --
Woman #1: He wants.
23 --
Woman #1: No.
24 --
LPC: Why not?
25 --
LPC: Well, I'm just going to plug it in right now for a few minutes, okay?
26 --
Woman #1: You don't want you in our yard.
27 --
LPC: Just for a couple minutes, okay?
28 --
LPC: It's not going to be a big deal.
29 --
LPC: I can give you two, three dollars.
30 --
Emilio: Hello.
31 --
LPC: Hey, Emilio.
32 --
LPC: Yeah.
33 --
LPC: Hey, this is Dale.
34 --
Emilio: Dale, who is this?
35 --
LPC: Where you from?
36 --
LPC: I'm from solar fantasies.
37 --
LPC: I do solar panels.
38 --
Emilio: Okay, what's going on?
39 --
LPC: I'm going to be on the rooftops tomorrow, getting some measurements up there.
40 --
Emilio: It's too late to be calm.
41 --
LPC: No, I'm going to be up there at 4 a.m., guy, in the morning.
42 --
Emilio: You're going to be what, at 4 a.m.?
43 --
LPC: On the rooftop, yeah.
44 --
Emilio: You ain't going to be on my roof at 4 a.m. shit.
45 --
LPC: Yes, I am.
46 --
LPC: Then I'll let you know how much is going to go.
47 --
LPC: Oh, come on down, man.
48 --
Emilio: I'll beat the fuck at you.
49 --
Emilio: I'll throw you right off that roof.
50 --
LPC: No, guy.
51 --
LPC: I'm doing this as a favor.
52 --
LPC: Hey, Arthur.
53 --
Arthur: Yeah.
54 --
LPC: Hey, this is Timmy.
55 --
Arthur: Who?
56 --
LPC: Timmy.
57 --
LPC/Arthur: Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, hey, do me a favor.
58 --
LPC: Would you bring your receptacles and your bins closer into your house?
59 --
LPC: Kind of an eyesore out here.
60 --
LPC: All right, up 'ere?
61 --
Arthur: Who's this?
62 --
LPC: I'm in the community, and I don't like what I see you up here.
63 --
LPC: Straighten it up a bit, and you understand?
64 --
LPC: Am I making sense?
65 --
LPC: Am I getting through?
66 --
Arthur: No, you're not getting through.
67 --
LPC: Oh, no?
68 --
LPC: Cheen, jean, jean.
69 --
Arthur: Oh, my God, what a fucking idiot you are.
70 --
LPC: Look, I just do it as a favor.
71 --
LPC: and pick it up.
72 --
LPC: All right.
73 --
LPC: Get out there and strain it up.
74 --
Arthur: Pick up what?
75 --
LPC: Pick up your bins, guy.
76 --
LPC: Your garbage can.
77 --
Arthur: Where is it?
78 --
LPC: It's a mess is what it is.
79 --
Arthur: Where is it?
80 --
LPC: It's too close to me.
81 --
LPC: It's too close to my property line.
82 --
LPC: And I don't like what I see.
83 --
Arthur: What's your property line?
84 --
Arthur: What's your address?
85 --
LPC: You know, gargone, well, my address is.
86 --
LPC: Pick it up.
87 --
LPC: You got it?
88 --
Arthur: Not tonight.
89 --
LPC: What's it going to take for me to get through to you?
90 --
None: Huh?
91 --
LPC: What is it going to take?
92 --
Arthur: I'll get rid of it tomorro morning.
93 --
LPC: Tomorrow morning?
94 --
LPC: You're full of excuses.
95 --
LPC: Every time I turn around, huh?
96 --
LPC: Oh, I'll do it later.
97 --
LPC: It's not my problem.
98 --
LPC: It's, you know, just getting gear, guy.
99 --
LPC: All right.
100 --
LPC: Comprendi, or?
101 --
Arthur: Well, if you come on my property, then you'd better bring a body bag for yourself.
102 --
LPC: I'll bring my horse whip if you try to give me any lip.
103 --
LPC: And we'll see who needs the bags then, tough guy, huh?
104 --
Arthur: Come on over.
105 --
Arthur: Bring a body bag, boy.
106 --
Arthur: I'd just love to do it.
107 --
LPC: I'll bring my bull wet and take care you a one, two, three.
108 --
LPC: Splat.
109 --
LPC: That's it.
110 --
LPC: End the story.
111 --
Arthur: Bring anything you want, scumbag.
112 --
Arthur: I'm waiting.
113 --
LPC: You're going to be laying on the sidewalk.
114 --
LPC: When I'm done with you, I'm going to roll you into traffic.
115 --
LPC: What do you think of that one?
116 --
Arthur: Do that.
117 --
LPC: I'll do that.
118 --
Arthur: Okay.
119 --
Man #1: Hello?
120 --
LPC: Hey, Stuart.
121 --
Stuart: Yeah.
122 --
LPC: Hi, how you doing?
123 --
Stuart: Hey, I'm doing well.
124 --
Stuart: How are you doing?
125 --
LPC: Good.
126 --
LPC: This is Rory.
127 --
Stuart: Oh, Rory.
128 --
Stuart: Oh, really?
129 --
Arthur: Come over already.
130 --
LPC: What are you doing, guy?
131 --
LPC: I'm supposed to meet you outside.
132 --
LPC: What are you doing?
133 --
Arthur: I've been outside.
134 --
Stuart: You're full of shit, man.
135 --
Arthur: Yeah.
136 --
Arthur: Ring my fucking bell then.
137 --
Arthur: Come over already.
138 --
Stuart: Hey, man, can you cut it with the language?
139 --
Stuart: I've got my kid on the line here.
140 --
Arthur: You got your kid on the line?
141 --
Arthur: Ring my fucking bell.
142 --
LPC: I'm going to bring your neck, guy.
143 --
LPC: What I'm going
144 --
LPC: to do.
145 --
Arthur: Ring my neck then, you little dickhead.
146 --
Stuart: Hey, again, language.
147 --
Arthur: Fuck you, scumbag.
148 --
Arthur: Ring my bell.
149 --
Stuart: Hey.
150 --
LPC: What do you prepare to do about it there, guy?
151 --
Arthur: Ring my bell.
152 --
Woman #1: and you'll see. *laughs*
153 --
LPC: You're going to be seeing stars, guy, once I'm done pummeling you.
154 --
LPC: You feel me?
155 --
Arthur: Really?
156 --
Arthur: I've been seeing stars when your daughter are sucking my dick.
157 --
LPC: Hey, lookie here, bunghole.
158 --
Stuart: Your going to see a black hole when I'm...
159 --
LPC: I'm going to take care of you real quick.
160 --
LPC: I'm going to take care of you tonight.
161 --
LPC: I'm going to lay you out.
162 --
LPC: I'm going to take care you real quick.
163 --
LPC: I'm going to take care you tonight.
164 --
LPC: I'm going to take care you real quick.
165 --
LPC: I'm going to take care you tonight.
166 --
Stuart: Hey, man, I think...
167 --
LPC: I'm going to lay you out.
168 --
Stuart: You what?
169 --
LPC: I'm going to take care you real quick.
170 --
Stuart: I think you're a pussy, man.
171 --
LPC: I'm going to lay you out.
172 --
Arthur: I'm going to lay you out.
173 --
LPC: I'm going to take you real quick.
174 --
LPC: I'm going to take care you tonight.
175 --
Stuart: I'm outside.
176 --
LPC: I'm going to lay you out.
177 --
LPC: I'm not going to take care of you real quick.
178 --
LPC: I'm going to take care you tonight.
179 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Hello?
180 --
LPC: Hello?
181 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Dark ages?
182 --
LPC: Oh, the dark ages.
183 --
LPC: Thank you, thank you, thank you.
184 --
LPC: So, I need to get into a mystical
185 --
LPC: pewter spiral formation.
186 --
Woman at Dark Ages: We have pewter, yes.
187 --
LPC: Okay, and I need a spiral and, I need a spiral and,
188 --
LPC: some kind of gnome, made out of pewter.
189 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Oh, I don't think we have.
190 --
Woman at Dark Ages: We have the gnome, but it's not made of pewter.
191 --
Woman at Dark Ages: The pewter, we have only dragons.
192 --
LPC: Oh, you have a gnome?
193 --
LPC: Oh, you have a gnome?
194 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Yeah, but not the dragon, just the statue, like, made off, I think, as raisin.
195 --
LPC: Tell me about the gnome.
196 --
LPC: I want to know about the gnome.
197 --
LPC: Tell me about the gnome.
198 --
Woman at Dark Ages: It made all the raisin.
199 --
LPC: Of rations.
200 --
LPC: What are you squeaking about?
201 --
LPC: Do you have any kind of a pewter overlord of some kind?
202 --
Woman at Dark Ages: No, we have the pewter, but only dragons.
203 --
LPC: Oh, a dragon. Wow.
204 --
LPC: I want to get into a miniature liquefied gnome.
205 --
LPC: No.
206 --
LPC: If I can get that from you tonight in the midnight hour.
207 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Uh...
208 --
LPC: Throw some Chinese stars at it.
209 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Okay.
210 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Um, can you give me your phone number?
211 --
Woman at Dark Ages: I'll send you the picture of what we have.
212 --
LPC: Yeah, it's 885, 7,400.
213 --
LPC: You bet.
214 --
LPC: Have a good night.
215 --
LPC: Thank you.
216 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Good afternoon.
217 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Thank you for calling Kevin Jewelers.
218 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Lee speaking.
219 --
Woman at Dark Ages: How can I help you?
220 --
LPC: Yeah, do you guys got any pewter up there?
221 --
222 --
LPC: Oh, no.
223 --
SPEAKER_03: Hot topic.
224 --
SPEAKER_03: Elena, how can I help you?
225 --
LPC: Yeah, we got Kevin Jewelers on the last.
226 --
SPEAKER_03: line? Kevin Jewelers is on the line?
227 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, you have Hot Topic.
228 --
SPEAKER_03: How can I help you?
229 --
LPC: Well, what's going on up?
230 --
SPEAKER_03: I'm sorry, I don't believe anything's going on outside.
231 --
LPC: You don't believe anything's going on?
232 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I don't see anything going on outside.
233 --
LPC: Oh, there's microorganisms everywhere, young lady.
234 --
LPC: Did you ever stop to contemplate that?
235 --
SPEAKER_03: Actually, I took a microbiology and food class, so I know a little bit more about that than you.
236 --
SPEAKER_03: Was there anything I'd help you with hot topic, why then?
237 --
LPC: Yeah, I'd like to talk about the section of that.
238 --
LPC: the female avian reproductive tract where the shell is added to the egg.
239 --
LPC: It's also known as the shell gland in the scrub fowl.
240 --
LPC: If you want to get into that.
241 --
SPEAKER_03: You want to talk about something like Hot Topic wise, though?
242 --
SPEAKER_03: Because I do have some other things if you just want to talk about like microorganisms and stuff.
243 --
LPC: Well, you're the one who said you knew about this, about that, about everything else.
244 --
LPC: So let's get in a little pfowl, scrub fowl.
245 --
SPEAKER_03: Was there anything I could help you with that?
246 --
SPEAKER_03: With Hot Topic related, though?
247 --
LPC: The windpipe of the chicken.
248 --
LPC: I don't want to chew on that, chew on that, chew on that, chew on that, chew on that, chew on.
249 --
LPC: on that. Hi, how are we doing tonight?
250 --
LPC: Hi, too. Is this Dark Ages?
251 --
Woman at Dark Ages: Yes.
252 --
LPC: Yeah, I was looking for that pewter toad that you guys got up there.
253 --
Woman at Dark Ages: We don't have pewter toad. We already have pewter with dragons.
254 --
LPC: Oh, and a gnome, right?
255 --
Woman at Dark Ages: The gnome is not pewter. It's made of the raisin.
256 --
LPC: Raisin. Oh, yeah. How about a three-dimensional mallard?
257 --
Woman at Dark Ages: No. Can you come to the store?
258 --
LPC: Yes, I'll be in.
259 --
LPC: And then we'll go over in person.
260 --
LPC: Sure, sure.
261 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Polyester Records.
262 --
LPC: Hi, how are you doing?
263 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Good, thanks.
264 --
LPC: Yeah.
265 --
LPC: Do you have any mule bowel on 7-inch?
266 --
Wayne Bent: Well, um...
267 --
LPC: Yeah.
268 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Sorry, mule bow?
269 --
LPC: Yeah, and they got a split EP with Goofy Loaf.
270 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Hello?
271 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Hello?
272 --
LPC: You know what I'm saying?
273 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Good one.
274 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Have you ever heard of Longmod Potion Castle?
275 --
LPC: No?
276 --
Guy at Polyster Records: No? *laughs*
277 --
LPC: What's that about?
278 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Yeah, don't worry about it.
279 --
Guy at Polyster Records: No Goofy Loaf or, um, Mule Bowel.
280 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Yeah, sorry about that.
281 --
Guy at Polyster Records: Hello?
282 --
LPC: Yeah, this is Tony.
283 --
Man #1: Yeah, who's this?
284 --
Man #1: Uh, hello?
285 --
LPC: Uh, hey, man, yeah, what are you doing tonight?
286 --
Man #1: Wait, this is fucking Longmont Potion Castle shit?
287 --
LPC: What are you saying?
288 --
LPC: there, guy?
289 --
LPC: Hey, are you ready to get tough?
290 --
Man #1: Oh, shit.
291 --
Man #1: Is this really the new...
292 --
Man #1: Hey, yo, but, yo.
293 --
Man #1: Hold up.
294 --
Man #1: Is this really the fucking Longmont fool or what?
295 --
LPC: What is up, my man?
296 --
LPC: What is up?
297 --
Man #1: Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, no.
298 --
Man #1: The numbers, because the numbers said it was coming from Denver...
299 --
LPC: Oh, hell no.
300 --
LPC: Oh, hell.
301 --
LPC: Missed me with that bullshit, bud.
302 --
Man #1: Hey, bro, how'd you get my number?
303 --
LPC: The guy from UPS.
304 --
Man #1: All right.
305 --
Man #1: All right, bro.
306 --
Man #1: What's up with Otis King, though?
307 --
Man #1: What's up with Otis King?
308 --
LPC: You're ready to get tough?
309 --
LPC: Check out my musculature in the midnight hour, or?
310 --
Man #1: Oh, shit.
311 --
LPC: I was thinking about heading out under the neon light tonight.
312 --
LPC: What do you say?
313 --
Man #1: Yeah, bro, you should do it, bro.
314 --
LPC: Yeah.
315 --
Man #1: Hey, bro, can you do me a favor?
316 --
LPC: Check it out.
317 --
Man #1: Back in, like, in like 15 minutes.
318 --
LPC: Call you back?
319 --
LPC: What, are you busy or something?
320 --
Man #1: Yeah, yeah, I just got to, yeah, yeah.
321 --
Man #1: I got to go to my homie's house real quick, but.
322 --
Man #1: Yeah, call me back, bro.
323 --
LPC: All, give it a shot, bud.
324 --
Man #1: All right, take.
325 --
LPC: Hey, take care of us.
326 --
LPC: Oh, yeah, uh-huh.
327 --
LPC: Oh, uh-huh.
328 --
Man #1: Oh, uh-huh.
329 --
Man #1: All right, peace.
330 --
LPC: Yeah, peace out.