Longmont Potion Castle 9 (2012)
Track 4: NBS Electronics 2
Last modified: 2025-02-14T11:41:50
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false
1 --
SPEAKER_01: NBS Electronics.
2 --
SPEAKER_00: Yes, I'm Swanson.
3 --
SPEAKER_01: You're Swanson? What do you want?
4 --
SPEAKER_00: We're sponsoring
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SPEAKER_00: Julian Assange with WikiLeaks,
6 --
SPEAKER_00: and we're looking for sponsors today.
7 --
SPEAKER_01: Julian... You're sponsoring Julian Assange.
8 --
SPEAKER_00: Yes, we are, sir.
9 --
SPEAKER_01: And you'd like to have money to buy hand grenades
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SPEAKER_01: to blow his fucking ass to hell where he belongs, right?
11 --
SPEAKER_01: Well, I'd be glad to give you some for that,
12 --
SPEAKER_01: but you don't get a fucking nickel for me for anything else,
13 --
SPEAKER_01: so go fuck your commie self.
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SPEAKER_00: NBS electronics.
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SPEAKER_00: This is Salazar speaking.
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SPEAKER_00: And I was wondering if you consider repairing my leaf blower.
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SPEAKER_00: I don't think so.
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SPEAKER_01: I fixed guitar amplifiers.
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SPEAKER_00: Hey, fella.
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SPEAKER_00: Maybe you'd rather look at my flamethrower.
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SPEAKER_00: How's that sound?
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SPEAKER_01: We're welcome to bring it in.
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SPEAKER_01: in and give it a shot.
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SPEAKER_01: I get something that could probably
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SPEAKER_01: permanently fix anything you bring in here.
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SPEAKER_00: You do?
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SPEAKER_01: Yeah, it's called a tourist judge.
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SPEAKER_00: Oh, that sounds interesting.
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SPEAKER_00: I'll bring my flamethrower in there, and then we can
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SPEAKER_00: get her worked out.
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SPEAKER_01: Sure, whatever you want to them.
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SPEAKER_00: Because I'm fired up.
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SPEAKER_01: What's got you fired up?
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SPEAKER_00: Well, you tell the man, you ain't going to help him with his repair,
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SPEAKER_00: and your sign says repair.
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SPEAKER_00: Plain his day.
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SPEAKER_01: Well, yeah, it also says
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SPEAKER_01: NBS electronics.
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SPEAKER_01: I don't know what I can do for you.
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SPEAKER_01: We're a leafblower's concerned.
41 --
SPEAKER_00: Forget the leafblower.
42 --
SPEAKER_00: I'm bringing my flamethrower in there.
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SPEAKER_00: Five, ten minutes from now.
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SPEAKER_01: Okay.
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SPEAKER_01: We'll be waiting for you.
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SPEAKER_00: You better sit tight, Charlie.
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SPEAKER_01: I'll sit tight, asshole.
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SPEAKER_00: I don't know what your hours are, but it doesn't matter.
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SPEAKER_00: It doesn't matter.
51 --
SPEAKER_01: I'm open right fucking now, man.
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SPEAKER_01: You got to beef with me.
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SPEAKER_01: Bring it fucking on, okay?
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SPEAKER_01: I don't know who to fuck you are.
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SPEAKER_01: or what your fucking problem is.
56 --
SPEAKER_01: But if you want to come in here and start some shit,
57 --
SPEAKER_01: I got something in my pocket that will deal with it.
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SPEAKER_01: Trust me.
59 --
SPEAKER_00: Look, I call the man about a leaf blower,
60 --
SPEAKER_00: and you're jerking me around, fella.
61 --
SPEAKER_01: I don't give a fuck about your leaf blower.
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SPEAKER_01: I don't work on leaf blowers.
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SPEAKER_01: I'm an electronics technician.
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SPEAKER_01: That's what I do.
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SPEAKER_01: You've got something electronic needs to be fixed.
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None: I'll fix it.
67 --
SPEAKER_00: I got an air compressor I'll bring in there.
68 --
SPEAKER_01: I don't give a shit what you bring in.
69 --
SPEAKER_01: here, man. Quit wasting my fucking time.
70 --
SPEAKER_01: You're an idiot.
71 --
SPEAKER_01: NBS electronics.
72 --
SPEAKER_00: You work on a belt sander up there?
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SPEAKER_01: No, I sure don't.
74 --
SPEAKER_00: Well, just take a look at Sears Roebuck.
75 --
SPEAKER_01: You know, if you don't stop this, I've given your number to the fucking FBI.
76 --
SPEAKER_01: You're an asshole.
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SPEAKER_01: NBS Electronics.
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SPEAKER_00: Hey, this is Harvey over at Sears Roebuck, Southwest Plaza.
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SPEAKER_00: How are you doing, sir?
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SPEAKER_01: Don't you go fuck yourself.
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SPEAKER_01: asshole.
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SPEAKER_00: Nipius Electronics.
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SPEAKER_00: Hello, this is Cecil.
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SPEAKER_00: What's all that noise up there?
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SPEAKER_01: I have no idea what that is that is.
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SPEAKER_01: I've certainly never heard that on my end before.
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SPEAKER_00: What's your level of involvement up there, Charlie?
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SPEAKER_01: My level of involvement.
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SPEAKER_01: Uh, I have the head motherfucker in charge of dealing with assholes, and you're obviously one, so you can go fuck yourself.