Longmont Potion Castle 10 (2013)
Track 10: Neighbor Noise
Last modified: 2025-02-12T05:55:25
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false
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SPEAKER_01: David's.
2 --
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, this is Duncan Cocker, your neighbor.
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SPEAKER_02: Yeah, hi.
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SPEAKER_01: Yeah, you guys were making a whole lot of noise in there last night.
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SPEAKER_01: Didn't appreciate it.
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SPEAKER_02: Yeah, well, I'm focused on these crazy animals.
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SPEAKER_01: So I need to know that you're going to keep things down tonight, volume-wise.
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SPEAKER_01: You got me?
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SPEAKER_02: Okay, we'll turn the TV down and keep the dogs quiet, all that sort of stuff.
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SPEAKER_01: Yeah, you better do everything you can.
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SPEAKER_01: We'll keep an eye on it, or an ear on it.
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SPEAKER_01: Pipe down, do it now.
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SPEAKER_01: Okay.
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SPEAKER_01: And I don't want to hear from you again.
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SPEAKER_02: Fair enough.
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SPEAKER_05: Well, hello.
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SPEAKER_05: Who've I got?
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SPEAKER_00: I'm Duncan Whopper.
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SPEAKER_05: Okay.
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SPEAKER_00: I live nearby you, and you guys are making way too much noise at night. You know that?
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SPEAKER_03: Are we? Well, I'll tell you. We'll have to curb it then, won't we?
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SPEAKER_00: Why don't you bring it down a couple of knots here tonight? I got a big meeting tomorrow.
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SPEAKER_03: And how's the rest of your day going?
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SPEAKER_00: I don't even know if I'm coming or going, lady.
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SPEAKER_00: I didn't get any sleep last night.
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SPEAKER_03: Well, as I said, we'll do our best to curb it.
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SPEAKER_01: Hey, is Evelyn there?
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SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
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SPEAKER_01: This is Duncan Cocker.
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SPEAKER_05: Duncan Crocker?
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SPEAKER_05: Who are you?
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SPEAKER_01: Your neighbor?
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SPEAKER_01: Last night I was hearing dogs and cats and birds and everything over at your house.
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SPEAKER_05: And what time was there?
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SPEAKER_01: It's too late if you asked me. I was trying to get some rest.
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SPEAKER_05: You need to answer my question. What time was this?
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SPEAKER_01: I had a big, big meeting this morning.
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SPEAKER_05: Our dogs are in bed at 9.30 p.m.
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SPEAKER_01: That's the most cockamamie thing I've ever heard.
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SPEAKER_04: Who are you? What address are you?
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SPEAKER_01: Duncan Cocker. I'm catty corner to you. One house down.
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SPEAKER_04: Duncan, what's your fucking address?
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SPEAKER_01: Why don't you shut down your zoo over there and keep it quiet?
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SPEAKER_04: Our dogs are in bed. You're talking to the wrong person.
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SPEAKER_04: Yes.
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SPEAKER_01: Hey, this is Hooper. I'm your neighbor.
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SPEAKER_01: And you guys had way too much noise and commotion last night up at your place.
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SPEAKER_03: No, you got the wrong number. My God.
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SPEAKER_01: Oh, I heard dogs barking and televisions, blaring, and everything else.
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SPEAKER_03: It's not me. I put my dogs to bed at 4 o'clock.
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SPEAKER_03: Where do you live?
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SPEAKER_01: In the Lavender House.
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SPEAKER_03: Where in the hell is the Lavender House?
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SPEAKER_01: I ain't fixing to go no horror.
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SPEAKER_01: So why don't you keep it down to a dull roar so I can get some rest here?
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SPEAKER_03: It's not my dogs. It's the house next to me.
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SPEAKER_01: Don't try to pull the old switcheroo on me, lady.
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SPEAKER_03: Well, you're crazy bastard. It's not me. It's not my house.
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SPEAKER_03: What is your number?
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SPEAKER_01: My phone number?
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SPEAKER_03: No, the number of your house.
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SPEAKER_01: I'm in the lavender house.
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SPEAKER_03: I'm not where you get your mail.
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SPEAKER_01: Now why don't you keep it down to a dog.
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SPEAKER_01: Dole roar. I had a meeting this morning and I missed it because all your commotion there.
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SPEAKER_03: It's not me. My God. I call the damn police.
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SPEAKER_01: Hello?
68 --
SPEAKER_01: My name's Fifi Nono. I'm your neighbor. And I've been hearing way, way, way too much noise coming out of your place last night and the night before.
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SPEAKER_05: I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't know any such neighbor. I have no idea what you're
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SPEAKER_01: talking about. It sounded like you were on my roof.
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SPEAKER_01: whatsoever. So I need you to pipe down so I can get some red. I don't know with all you want.
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SPEAKER_05: Look, Mr. I can't be your neighbor. I don't live in your area code. I live in the area called 303. I don't know what
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SPEAKER_01: the hell you're talking about. So do I. It was a Herculean effort just to get through the night. It was so
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SPEAKER_05: noisy over at your place. I haven't got my stereo on. I haven't had my stereo on for weeks.
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SPEAKER_01: Tricken. It was like you were on my roof last night.
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SPEAKER_05: My neighbor on one side of me, Chuck. The neighbor on the other side of me is named Bob. I don't even know who you are.
77 --
SPEAKER_01: I don't even know who you are. I don't give a good.
78 --
SPEAKER_05: good do goddamn who it is. I don't give a damn either, but it's not me. Stop calling me and stop
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SPEAKER_05: annoying me. Listen to me. I don't know what you're talking about. I am not. What did you hear?
80 --
SPEAKER_01: Did you hear music? What did you hear? Oh, I heard a television blur and I heard birds chirping. I heard
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SPEAKER_01: everything I could hear. Are you telling me you don't have a television and a bird? Because I heard him all night long.
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SPEAKER_01: I have two cats and I have a television set. Yeah, I know you do because I heard it all night.
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SPEAKER_05: I wasn't up all night. I went to bed at about 12.30 last night.
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SPEAKER_01: That's cockamamie.
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SPEAKER_05: And I didn't hear a damn thing.
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SPEAKER_01: It sounded like you were blowing into a saxophone all went long. It was outrageous.
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SPEAKER_05: It's not me.
88 --
SPEAKER_01: I don't believe you. I got your number from the Postmaster, and he knows what he's doing. Believe me, he's worked there for 10 years.
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SPEAKER_05: What address did you give me?
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SPEAKER_01: Listen, I need $25 to get a hotel room.
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SPEAKER_05: Look, I don't give it to him. It's not me. It is not me.
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SPEAKER_05: And if you don't stop calling me and you don't stop harassing me, all content.
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SPEAKER_05: the police, the post-caster.