Longmont Potion Castle 13 (2017)
Track 3: Quadrupler
Last modified: 2025-02-12T08:40:46
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false
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SPEAKER_01: Radio Shack, and gross point, I can help you.
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SPEAKER_00: Um, look at they get a tripler.
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SPEAKER_00: I'm really trying to scale down from my quadrupler,
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SPEAKER_00: but I've got two couplers going on my signal and a flipper.
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SPEAKER_00: I'm just trying to condense that into one tripler,
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SPEAKER_00: maybe two couplers and a flipper, just to condense it.
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SPEAKER_00: Uh...
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SPEAKER_00: So, do you all accept coupons?
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SPEAKER_00: I mean, if it's something through Radio Shack,
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SPEAKER_01: I'm sure they would be able to, like, maybe match it up, like,
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SPEAKER_01: is it from a Radio Shack website or something like that?
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None: Yeah.
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SPEAKER_01: Bring in, which you got, I'm pretty sure if they had,
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SPEAKER_01: what's available, they should be able to do something with the price for you.
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SPEAKER_01: Whatever you have is bringing in, and we can see they can match it important.
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SPEAKER_00: Just bring all my quadruplers in there.
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SPEAKER_01: Well, I mean, you said your coupons.
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SPEAKER_01: I was saying, if you wanted to see if we could give you money to match with the coupons,
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SPEAKER_01: or give me any money off, I would say,
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SPEAKER_01: break me, whatever paperwork you have as far as your coupons.
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah, just give me the money.
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SPEAKER_00: Give me the funds.
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SPEAKER_00: Maybe I can run somewhere else to pick up what I need.
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SPEAKER_00: So you'll just have the money ready?
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SPEAKER_00: First my rear shake is Garrett, I'm not.
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah, Garrett, what's the limit on the number of couplers I can have when I'm quadrupling my signal?
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SPEAKER_00: I don't even know.
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SPEAKER_00: I got a rubber running through a flipper.
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SPEAKER_00: I'm trying to quadruple, but all I've got are triplers, and I do have a couple couplers,
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SPEAKER_00: but I'm trying to scale down, and, you know, I don't have a lot of money either,
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SPEAKER_00: so I'm budget conscious, too.
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SPEAKER_00: Is there a coupon or something I can apply towards this?
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SPEAKER_05: I mean, the couplers are cheap, how much as a couple.
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SPEAKER_05: Do you know what kind of coupler you need?
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SPEAKER_00: A rubber.
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SPEAKER_05: A rubber, coupler?
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SPEAKER_05: What's the couplers for?
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SPEAKER_00: For my flipper.
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SPEAKER_00: Flipper.
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SPEAKER_00: What does it do?
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SPEAKER_00: I've got a tripler on it for my signal, but I'm really trying to quadruple it.
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SPEAKER_00: So I've got rubber with the tripler and the two couplers to reverse my adapter, basically.
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SPEAKER_00: So I'm trying to multiply my couplers into my rubber.
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SPEAKER_05: To be honest, I have no idea.
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SPEAKER_05: I cannot tell you. I'm not going to make something up.
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SPEAKER_00: You can tell me, I mean.
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SPEAKER_05: Uh, I don't even, what does the flipper do? I don't even...
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SPEAKER_00: Well, my rubber.
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SPEAKER_05: Okay, maybe my coworker can help you. I'm not going to be able to help you.
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SPEAKER_00: Well, if it's proprietary, I won't share the information.
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SPEAKER_04: Hello?
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SPEAKER_04: Yeah.
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SPEAKER_00: What's going on here?
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SPEAKER_04: What kind of coupler are you looking for?
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SPEAKER_04: So we have couplers for co-ax, and we have couplers for HGMI.
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SPEAKER_00: Sure.
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SPEAKER_00: Well, I'm trying to quadruple my signal.
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SPEAKER_00: and all I've got to tripler and a couple couplers, my flipper is joined with my multiplier and my rubber.
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SPEAKER_00: So how many multipliers can I fit with my divider before I have to get just a joiner?
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SPEAKER_04: I mean, you could go, you can go the max.
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SPEAKER_04: Like, if you can put all your connections together at once, then you can go the max.
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SPEAKER_04: And we have a three-way splitter.
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SPEAKER_04: I think we might have a four-way splitter.
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SPEAKER_00: Okay, but my tripler is going to end up multiple.
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SPEAKER_00: applying my coupler, you understand? So my signal will be coupled with the flipper. And plus my
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SPEAKER_00: coupon, I don't know if you're sticklers. Because it may have been expired. Actually, there's no
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SPEAKER_00: year on it. It just says the date of the month and the day. Essentially, so I'm tripling my rubber.
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SPEAKER_00: My signal's quadrupled, but I'm trying to run my subtractor through the coupler so that my flipper can
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SPEAKER_00: adapt to the reverser. And the coupon, I don't know if you're a stickler.
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SPEAKER_04: Yeah, the coupon ends on the 25th, and it doesn't have, like, a valid end date.
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
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SPEAKER_04: Yeah. It may be expired by now.
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SPEAKER_04: Yeah, the coupon, I'm pretty sure that's expired.
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SPEAKER_00: Would you need to feel my rubber, so that you could best advise which trickler to use?
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SPEAKER_00: Um, I don't know.
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SPEAKER_00: So if you're flipping my rubber, my trickler's going to multiply the divider,
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SPEAKER_00: and my signal will be reversed down to the base of coupler to that stage.
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SPEAKER_04: Yeah, I mean, when realistic factors,
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SPEAKER_04: and the coupler and the dividers and the multiplier's just going all nuts and your rubber's going crazy.
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah. Maybe somebody could come over and take a gander?
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SPEAKER_04: Oh, no, we can't send anybody out to check out your rubber.
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SPEAKER_00: Oh. Okay, would you please talk to the gargler, and maybe he could better explain it, because I, you know...
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SPEAKER_03: What do you need?
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SPEAKER_00: I'm calling from Radio Shack? Yeah.
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SPEAKER_00: We got a quadrupler on sale that multiplies our coupler with no tripler.
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SPEAKER_03: Well, that's okay.
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SPEAKER_03: Because we got all that stuff.
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SPEAKER_03: Don't hang up on me, because you're talking to one of the big boys from Hollywood.
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SPEAKER_03: And we got all that stuff.
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SPEAKER_03: Well, you son of a bitch.
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SPEAKER_05: First one of a really is like, this is Garrett up now.
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I was calling about that tripler.
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SPEAKER_05: Oh, yeah.
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SPEAKER_00: And you were going to talk to the gargler?
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SPEAKER_00: Would that be? Okay, just real quick.
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SPEAKER_00: Okay.
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SPEAKER_00: Okay, Arthur.
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SPEAKER_00: Just let him know you talk to me.
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SPEAKER_03: Crime dance, we got cut off.
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SPEAKER_03: Your phone was.
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SPEAKER_03: hung up on me. Now, what do you need?
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SPEAKER_03: You speak English?
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SPEAKER_03: Yes, I speak English.
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SPEAKER_03: Well, damn what you're having a hell of a time about it.
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SPEAKER_03: What do you need? I got time. This is a crime desk here.
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SPEAKER_03: And I tried to talk to the guy on the phone, and he hung up on me. Now, what do you actually need?
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SPEAKER_03: And I spend a lot of time up to her at your place.
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SPEAKER_03: To be honest, sir, I don't know. I'm not, I'm not sure what... I don't know. I don't know.
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SPEAKER_03: I can I tell you.
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SPEAKER_03: I even just got done.
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SPEAKER_03: Get my new printer from you is up there.
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SPEAKER_03: We spend a lot of money from you because we're in Hollywood.
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SPEAKER_03: And I was just talking to your boys over there, and I'm up there all the time and spend mostly all my money up there with you.
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None: So what did he call me for?
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SPEAKER_05: Called you.
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SPEAKER_03: You called me two times in a row.
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None: He called the Radio Shack.
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None: This is Art Schaffner.
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SPEAKER_05: He said he has a slipper, and he needs to know how many couplers he can put on his slipper.
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SPEAKER_05: And he wants someone to go by his house, and we cannot do that.
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SPEAKER_05: Like I told you, I'm a goddamn cop.
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SPEAKER_05: A bunch of fucking phone me calls coming in.
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SPEAKER_05: Excuse me?
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SPEAKER_00: The tripler.
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SPEAKER_00: Now, where do you stand?
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SPEAKER_05: I'm sorry, sir.
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SPEAKER_05: We cannot help you.
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SPEAKER_05: This is, we, I'm not sure what you're talking about.
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SPEAKER_05: This is, yeah, we can't help you.
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SPEAKER_05: What do you mean?
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SPEAKER_05: What do you, I mean, we're not sure what you're talking about.
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SPEAKER_05: I don't know if this is some prank, but we cannot help you.
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SPEAKER_05: I'm sorry.
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SPEAKER_05: A prank.
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SPEAKER_04: I was playing radio-sacked.
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SPEAKER_04: This is what I speaking.
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SPEAKER_00: Okay.
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SPEAKER_00: Would you please talk to the gargler?
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SPEAKER_00: I was having a hard time explaining what I need.
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SPEAKER_04: Your tripler?
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SPEAKER_04: Yeah.
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SPEAKER_04: Was your tripler giving you problems with the triple double-exam?
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SPEAKER_00: The quadrupler is where I was running.
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SPEAKER_04: The quadrupler?
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SPEAKER_00: Huh?
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SPEAKER_04: Is the quadrupler dripping?
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SPEAKER_00: Can you talk to the gargler?
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SPEAKER_00: He could explain it much better.
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SPEAKER_00: If you just give me a minute.
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SPEAKER_04: Only if he can tell me if there's a leak.
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SPEAKER_04: I need to know if there's a leak.
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SPEAKER_04: I can't help you unless there's a leak.
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SPEAKER_04: I can't help you unless there's a leak.
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SPEAKER_00: a leak. Well, he'll tell you. Just talk to Arthur.
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SPEAKER_04: Okay, go Arthur on the phone. Crime, gas. What are you need? I need to know if it's leaking.
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SPEAKER_03: What the hell are you talking about? Are you on drugs or dope?
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SPEAKER_03: Dope is drugs? Yeah, I know you're a sick, cock-second motherfucker.
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SPEAKER_03: But is it leaking?
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SPEAKER_00: Sir, you're not helping. I'm trying to get my tripler going. It's stopping at the point of the
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SPEAKER_00: quadrupler. All right?
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SPEAKER_04: Okay. But is your rubber leaking the signal?
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SPEAKER_00: I'm in the car. I could be there and
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SPEAKER_00: 20 minutes. But would you please talk to the gargler? Just tell them what I told you.
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SPEAKER_00: I don't know what to buy when I get there, okay?
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SPEAKER_04: But no, I can already tell you that we don't have the part you're looking for.
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SPEAKER_03: Hey, horse's ass. What are you want?
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SPEAKER_03: Why don't you go to fuck your mother. You ain't got nothing else to do.
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SPEAKER_03: You might be better of calling Best Buy.
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SPEAKER_00: Best Buy? Yeah.
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SPEAKER_00: I've already made the expenditure with you all.
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SPEAKER_04: Well, no, because your coupon isn't valid and we don't have the part you need.
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SPEAKER_00: Well, tell us.
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SPEAKER_00: Arthur that. He's the gargler, you know?
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SPEAKER_02: All right. Can I speak to Arthur the gargler?
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SPEAKER_00: Yes.
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SPEAKER_02: Hey, Brown. I got all day to cuss you off. Now, what do you want?
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SPEAKER_04: Hello?
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SPEAKER_04: Yeah. Okay. We don't have the parts you need. Stop the leak in your rubber because your
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SPEAKER_04: gargler is acting up.
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SPEAKER_03: So does your mother, does your father fuck your mother in the ass like you was born you,
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SPEAKER_03: motherfucker cock of a son of a bitch?
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SPEAKER_03: Oh, that's not nice, sir.
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SPEAKER_02: Thank you.