Longmont Potion Castle 14 (2017)

Longmont Potion Castle 14

Track 16: Rubber Puppet

Last modified: 2025-02-14T11:41:59
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false

  • 1 -- SPEAKER_01: Inverse Talk Station, 630, K-How.
  • 2 -- SPEAKER_01: Hi, Tom Martino, you're a troubleshooter.
  • 3 -- SPEAKER_01: We have more employment questions. Hang on, we'll get right to you.
  • 4 -- SPEAKER_01: Welcome. What's going on, Dan?
  • 5 -- SPEAKER_00: I was working, and my manager, at the Denver Puppet Theater, was an 80s rock fan, you know,
  • 6 -- SPEAKER_00: Jay Giles, Boston, Einstein, Neubound, and such.
  • 7 -- SPEAKER_00: And recently, I wore a different shirt during the Spirit of 70s,
  • 8 -- SPEAKER_00: festival for the band Hound and my manager Juanita said no no hound the singer of that band
  • 9 -- SPEAKER_00: damaged my puppets and this and that and the other thing and she said you know pound rocks basically
  • 10 -- SPEAKER_01: get out of here so my question is let me ask you this this is a puppet theater right yes
  • 11 -- SPEAKER_00: and you're a puppeteer or whatever they call you well i've pioneered a new kind of rubber
  • 12 -- SPEAKER_00: puppet but basically yes i'm a puppet okay and then another question are you a w
  • 13 -- SPEAKER_01: to employee or are you a contractor?
  • 14 -- SPEAKER_00: Contractor.
  • 15 -- SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
  • 16 -- SPEAKER_01: Well, with a contractor in theater, because most actors are contractors.
  • 17 -- SPEAKER_01: And that's why I asked, you don't have the same rights as an employee.
  • 18 -- SPEAKER_02: Isn't that right, sir?
  • 19 -- SPEAKER_02: That's true.
  • 20 -- SPEAKER_02: I mean, then again, depending upon what kind of contract you might have with your employer.
  • 21 -- SPEAKER_00: Well, have you heard of a precedent for having a particular band objectionable and being fired on that basis?
  • 22 -- SPEAKER_01: Let's just say, for argument's sake, they control enough that he could make.
  • 23 -- SPEAKER_01: make the argument, he's an employee and should have rights.
  • 24 -- SPEAKER_01: Could they creatively tell him they don't want him to wear the shirt promoting a certain band?
  • 25 -- SPEAKER_01: I want to make a guess this time.
  • 26 -- SPEAKER_01: Yes.
  • 27 -- SPEAKER_02: I'm guessing wearing a shirt you want is not a protective class, so yes, you could get fired for wearing something.
  • 28 -- SPEAKER_02: You could absolutely get fired for wearing a particular shirt with a particular band on it.
  • 29 -- SPEAKER_02: So, Dan, they could tell you that your puppet is off base.
  • 30 -- SPEAKER_01: And if it was a Metallica shirt, they probably wouldn't.
  • 31 -- SPEAKER_01: In your case, Hound.
  • 32 -- SPEAKER_01: They could.
  • 33 -- SPEAKER_01: They could say, Dan, your puppet, cannot wear this shirt anymore.
  • 34 -- SPEAKER_00: They could.
  • 35 -- SPEAKER_01: So, you know, if you thought you were going to sue her, there's really nothing to sue for.
  • 36 -- SPEAKER_00: Well, I've moved on, like I say, I've got rubber puppets.
  • 37 -- SPEAKER_00: I'm doing well.
  • 38 -- SPEAKER_00: I just wanted to ask.
  • 39 -- SPEAKER_01: When you say rubber puppets, what kind are we talking about?
  • 40 -- SPEAKER_00: Well, I can't say too much because I'm a pioneer and I invented it.
  • 41 -- SPEAKER_01: You ought to get them protected if they're unique.
  • 42 -- SPEAKER_01: I'm serious.
  • 43 -- SPEAKER_01: You know, we have an intellectual problem.
  • 44 -- SPEAKER_01: property attorney. I'll get you his numbers. I'm serious, by the way. If you came up with something
  • 45 -- SPEAKER_01: that's unique, rubber puppets, he would help you. He would, first of all, do a search,
  • 46 -- SPEAKER_01: and then he could help you protect it. Very serious about that. Okay, we got a lot coming right back.