Longmont Potion Castle 18 (2021)
Track 14: Shoot Smart
Last modified: 2025-02-14T11:42:26
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false
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SPEAKER_00: Thank you for calling.
2 --
SPEAKER_00: It's Mark Ford Worth.
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SPEAKER_00: This is Benjamin.
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SPEAKER_00: How can I help you today?
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SPEAKER_01: Oh, yeah.
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SPEAKER_01: My name's Weber.
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SPEAKER_01: I just moved here to Fort Worth and I was looking for a new gun, new weapon.
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SPEAKER_01: And I read about you, so I thought I'd give you a holler.
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SPEAKER_01: How are you doing up there?
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SPEAKER_00: Well, we're doing okay.
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SPEAKER_00: We do have a fair amount of different fires are available for sale and available for rent.
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SPEAKER_00: If you want to try one out before you buy one.
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SPEAKER_01: Oh, really?
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SPEAKER_01: Good, good, good.
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SPEAKER_01: Yeah, the last gun shop in town I went to, they loaded me up with a bunch of squib, so that's why I'm phoning you.
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SPEAKER_00: As far as I know, most of the ammunition that we get is manufacturer fresh.
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SPEAKER_00: We do actually contract through a reloading company, but we've had almost no squibs from them whatsoever.
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SPEAKER_00: I think been in business with them for three years now, and I think we've had maybe one or two.
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SPEAKER_01: Sensational.
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SPEAKER_01: Good to hear.
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SPEAKER_01: Well, I can say with my previous weapon, I felt limited by the Boltax.
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SPEAKER_01: So I'm looking for something with a real good boar on it.
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SPEAKER_01: A lot of kick.
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SPEAKER_01: I was thinking of something with a rechargeable mainspring.
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SPEAKER_01: What do you think?
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SPEAKER_00: I honestly don't know much about that kind of stuff.
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SPEAKER_00: That would be a question for my gunsmiths.
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SPEAKER_01: Well, I was thinking I may be dry firing a few guns, make a decision on what to buy.
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SPEAKER_01: Can I set an appointment with you?
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SPEAKER_00: We don't do appointments.
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SPEAKER_00: Everything's just first come, first served.
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SPEAKER_00: You can stop into the retail area at any time.
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SPEAKER_00: Though if it isn't missed to your time, though, we do have to be able to.
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SPEAKER_00: limit the amount of people that are in the store.
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SPEAKER_01: Yeah, of course, of course.
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SPEAKER_01: Well, you know, partition bullets, blanks, it doesn't matter to me.
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SPEAKER_01: I'm firing my weapon every day and night.
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SPEAKER_01: So I need something that's going to do the job, and I don't want too much choke on there.
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SPEAKER_01: I mean, I'm 77 years old.
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SPEAKER_01: I don't need to be loading up on birdshot here.
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SPEAKER_01: You know what I mean?
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SPEAKER_01: Okay, well, specifically, I experienced some hang fire the last time I had a shootout.
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SPEAKER_01: What do you recommend to avoid that?
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SPEAKER_00: Honestly, hang fires, usually, those typically only happen with the older-styled firearms.
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SPEAKER_00: They usually don't happen with different firearms.
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SPEAKER_01: Okay.
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SPEAKER_00: But usually, yeah, a lot of those, especially with old black powder firearms, which since we're indoor only range, we actually don't allow black powder rifles.
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SPEAKER_01: Well, good.
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SPEAKER_01: Good, good, good.
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SPEAKER_01: I just don't know what to buy.
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SPEAKER_01: I mean, my uncle would always say a real market.
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SPEAKER_01: Marksmen doesn't use a floating barrel.
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SPEAKER_01: What kind of propellant y'all use up there?
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SPEAKER_00: I honestly don't know.
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SPEAKER_00: So we just order the stuff from manufacturers.
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SPEAKER_01: I'm interested in double action cocking on my new weapon.
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SPEAKER_01: What kind of lever action you got up?
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SPEAKER_00: I don't have any lever actions right now.
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SPEAKER_01: Oh, okay.
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SPEAKER_01: Well, I read about a hack where you can tweak the magnification on your scope up to like 100,000 X.
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SPEAKER_01: Did you read about that one?
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SPEAKER_00: I honestly have not read that, sir.
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SPEAKER_01: That's okay.
64 --
SPEAKER_01: That's okay.
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SPEAKER_01: I was having a problem fitting both a dampener and crosshairs on my last weapon.
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SPEAKER_01: Can some of these newer weapons accommodate both?
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SPEAKER_01: Again, I don't know.
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SPEAKER_00: That's going to be a question for a gunsmith.
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SPEAKER_01: Well, I usually remove the hammer block.
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SPEAKER_01: from my weapon.
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SPEAKER_01: My sergeant used to say those were for intermediates.
72 --
SPEAKER_01: You know what I mean?
73 --
SPEAKER_00: No, sir, I don't.
74 --
SPEAKER_00: I don't.
75 --
SPEAKER_00: I don't understand what you mean.
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SPEAKER_00: I'm not a gunsmith.
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SPEAKER_01: That's okay.
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SPEAKER_01: Hey, that's fine.
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SPEAKER_01: I'm new here, so I'm just trying to get a feel.
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SPEAKER_01: I have another weapon where I wanted to customize my muzzle.
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SPEAKER_01: Can you all help me do something like that?
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SPEAKER_00: Yes, my gunsmith can take care of that.
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SPEAKER_01: Excellent.
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SPEAKER_01: And I also inadvertently.
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SPEAKER_01: jammed my sling swivel.
86 --
SPEAKER_01: I was hoping you could all help me
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SPEAKER_01: dislodge it.
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SPEAKER_00: Possibly, yeah.
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SPEAKER_01: You want me to bring my snub nose up,
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SPEAKER_01: or?
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SPEAKER_01: Or, you know, I usually
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SPEAKER_01: only wear body armor when I
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SPEAKER_01: fire bowtail bullets.
94 --
SPEAKER_01: Do you got any armor up,
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SPEAKER_00: or? We don't tell armor now.
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SPEAKER_01: Okay, yeah.
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SPEAKER_01: Well, whatever I get, I really
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SPEAKER_01: want to ramp up my ejector
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SPEAKER_01: and my extractor.
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SPEAKER_01: So that's what I'm kind of looking for you. Can you narrow
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SPEAKER_01: it down with that kind of parameter?
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SPEAKER_00: Again, that's going to be a gunsmith thing.
103 --
SPEAKER_00: A gunsmith. Would you like to attach you over to the gunsmiths? It sounds like you
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SPEAKER_00: got more questions for them. Oh, no.
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SPEAKER_01: It's okay. No, Benjamin, you've been helpful.
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SPEAKER_01: My granddad always said that a
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SPEAKER_01: magnum projectile cut
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SPEAKER_01: down on misfires,
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SPEAKER_01: you know, duds. So, something
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SPEAKER_01: with a magnum projectile is what I'm
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SPEAKER_01: looking to incorporate.
112 --
SPEAKER_01: And I've,
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SPEAKER_01: I can handle recoil. Not a problem.
114 --
SPEAKER_01: Not a problem.
115 --
SPEAKER_01: I always wear a backstrap, so
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SPEAKER_01: that's no problem
117 --
SPEAKER_01: at all.
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SPEAKER_01: Do you got any kind of fouling
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SPEAKER_01: retardant up there?
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SPEAKER_01: I don't
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SPEAKER_01: believe we do, no. Or for rent.
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SPEAKER_01: Maybe for rent.
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SPEAKER_01: Just something with a whole
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SPEAKER_01: lot of kick. A whole lot of
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SPEAKER_01: kick. I can handle the kickback.
126 --
SPEAKER_01: You know.
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128 --
SPEAKER_01: Don't.
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SPEAKER_01: Something with a rechargeable
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SPEAKER_01: mainspring.
131 --
SPEAKER_01: Is that something you offer?
132 --
SPEAKER_00: I honestly don't know, sir.
133 --
SPEAKER_00: You're talking stuff that I have
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SPEAKER_00: no idea what it even means.
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SPEAKER_01: I just don't want too much choke on there.
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SPEAKER_01: Whatever I buy.
137 --
SPEAKER_00: Again, I honestly
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SPEAKER_00: don't know what you're talking about, sir.
139 --
SPEAKER_00: I know modern firearms.
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SPEAKER_00: But the stuff you're talking about, I have not seen
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SPEAKER_00: or used, and to be honest,
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SPEAKER_00: not many people have quite recently.
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SPEAKER_01: Oh, I see. What kind of
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SPEAKER_01: lever action? You got up?
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SPEAKER_00: I don't have any lever
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SPEAKER_00: actions right now.
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SPEAKER_01: Oh, shoot.
148 --
SPEAKER_01: I usually
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SPEAKER_01: remove the hammer block
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SPEAKER_01: from my weapon, like I say, so I don't
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SPEAKER_01: need anything like that.
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SPEAKER_01: And so where do you stand on the sling swivel?
153 --
SPEAKER_01: You with me there?
154 --
SPEAKER_01: Uh, Benjamin.
155 --
SPEAKER_00: Thank you for calling
156 --
SPEAKER_00: to you smart Ford Worst.
157 --
SPEAKER_00: This is Benjamin.
158 --
SPEAKER_00: How can I help you today?
159 --
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
160 --
SPEAKER_01: Do you guys sell...
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SPEAKER_01: Buckshot, Upper?
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SPEAKER_00: We do have Buckshot available, yes.
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SPEAKER_00: But we're only selling it for range use right now.
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SPEAKER_01: Oh, why's that?
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SPEAKER_00: We're just really, really
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SPEAKER_00: short on ammunition. We want to make sure we have enough for
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SPEAKER_00: anybody that wants to come in to use the range.
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SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
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SPEAKER_01: Is it factory fresh ammo?
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SPEAKER_00: Uh, yes, it is factory fresh ammo.
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SPEAKER_01: So I don't want to end up
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SPEAKER_01: a stovepipe on my hands, you know what I'm saying?
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SPEAKER_00: I completely understand.
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SPEAKER_00: Shotguns usually don't stovepipe.
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SPEAKER_01: You ain't some squib up there, are you?