Longmont Potion Castle 10 (2013)
Track 8: Turtle Pleasure
Last modified: 2025-02-12T05:55:25
Model used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Speakers adjusted? false
Subtitles adjusted? false
1 --
SPEAKER_03: Kentucky Music.
2 --
SPEAKER_00: I was looking for
3 --
SPEAKER_00: Turtle Pleasure?
4 --
SPEAKER_03: Really now?
5 --
SPEAKER_03: Let me see here.
6 --
SPEAKER_03: I ain't really following you.
7 --
SPEAKER_03: What's that for?
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SPEAKER_00: Turtle Pleasure.
9 --
SPEAKER_00: It's the artist name.
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SPEAKER_00: It's the name of the artist.
11 --
SPEAKER_03: They're local.
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SPEAKER_00: Don't you have a local section?
13 --
SPEAKER_00: I mean, everybody's got one.
14 --
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, let me check for you.
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SPEAKER_00: Why are you dilly-dolly and around is what I want to know.
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SPEAKER_00: A turtle pleasure.
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SPEAKER_03: Let me check for you.
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SPEAKER_00: Check it out.
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SPEAKER_00: Why don't you look up Solomon Gumball while you're out there?
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SPEAKER_03: Solomon Gumball.
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SPEAKER_03: Let me check.
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SPEAKER_00: That's a DVD.
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SPEAKER_03: You're going to do cash or credit for the turtle pleasures?
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SPEAKER_03: Pardon?
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SPEAKER_03: Cash your credit for the Turtle Pleasers.
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SPEAKER_03: I beg a pardon?
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SPEAKER_03: You got your card number out real fast?
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SPEAKER_00: I'm here at the KFC right now.
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SPEAKER_03: Haven't you ever heard of Solomon Gumball?
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SPEAKER_03: Solomon Gumball.
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SPEAKER_03: Do you know a fellow name's Solomon Gumbo?
33 --
SPEAKER_03: I don't know a fellow named Solomon Gumball.
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SPEAKER_00: I'm up here at KFC.
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SPEAKER_00: Just catty corner to you.
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SPEAKER_03: Just catty cornered?
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SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
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SPEAKER_03: Or the perpendicular.
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SPEAKER_03: Chattie corner?
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SPEAKER_02: It's good.
41 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, ma'am.
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SPEAKER_02: Arne its club record shop. This is Rick. May I'll help you please?
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SPEAKER_00: My name's also Rick.
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SPEAKER_02: Yeah, Rick, what can I do for you?
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SPEAKER_00: Why don't you call me Stedman for the conversation to make it easier?
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SPEAKER_00: Okay, Stedman?
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
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SPEAKER_00: Okay, Stedman. What can I do for you?
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SPEAKER_00: My given name is Rick, though?
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SPEAKER_00: Rick Slick.
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SPEAKER_01: Okay.
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SPEAKER_00: Okay, but what can I do for you?
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SPEAKER_00: Rick Sliw.
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SPEAKER_00: I was looking for Roy Clark.
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SPEAKER_00: Any particular song or?
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SPEAKER_00: Whatever tickles are fancy, or big guy, whatever tickles you.
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SPEAKER_00: Okay.
58 --
SPEAKER_00: What do you got in stock?
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SPEAKER_02: I don't have anything stock where I'm at, but I've got the greatest hits available.
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SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
61 --
SPEAKER_00: How much is that going to run me?
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SPEAKER_02: Well, let's just see here.
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SPEAKER_01: 1498.
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SPEAKER_01: Tell me your last name?
65 --
SPEAKER_01: Slick.
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SPEAKER_01: Click.
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SPEAKER_01: Stedman Slick.
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SPEAKER_01: Stedman Slick.
69 --
70 --
71 --
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
72 --
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
73 --
SPEAKER_02: You've got a real bad connection here.
74 --
SPEAKER_02: Half the time it's just echo.
75 --
SPEAKER_02: Slick-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W.
76 --
SPEAKER_02: You said Stedman is the first name or Rick is the first name?
77 --
SPEAKER_00: I'm Stedman Slick, and I'm looking for Turtle Pleasure.
78 --
SPEAKER_02: Turtle Pleasure.
79 --
SPEAKER_02: I think this is getting a little ridiculous, so we're going to get off here, okay?
80 --
SPEAKER_02: Ernestub, record shop.
81 --
SPEAKER_02: This is Rick.
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SPEAKER_02: May I help you, please.
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SPEAKER_00: Rick.
84 --
SPEAKER_00: Do you have Turtle Pleasure on DVD?
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SPEAKER_00: No, we do not.
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SPEAKER_00: Could you just check your system for it?
87 --
SPEAKER_00: I know.
88 --
SPEAKER_00: I don't know.
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SPEAKER_00: I can prepay if you want a special order.
90 --
SPEAKER_00: I don't even know where to order it from.
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SPEAKER_02: Don't even know what it is.
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SPEAKER_00: It's a custom order.
93 --
SPEAKER_02: But we don't have access.
94 --
SPEAKER_02: We don't sell that type of stuff.
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SPEAKER_02: This is country music here in Bluegrass.
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SPEAKER_00: How about the Roy Clark?
97 --
SPEAKER_02: Roy Clark, greatest tips.
98 --
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
99 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
100 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
101 --
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
102 --
SPEAKER_02: They'd get a little information from you.
103 --
SPEAKER_02: What's your...
104 --
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
105 --
SPEAKER_02: this conversation.
106 --
SPEAKER_02: Why?
107 --
SPEAKER_02: Ridiculous.
108 --
SPEAKER_02: Earnish Tubb record shop.
109 --
SPEAKER_02: This is Rick.
110 --
SPEAKER_02: May I'll help you, please.
111 --
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, this is Stadman.
112 --
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, Stadman.
113 --
SPEAKER_02: If you want to talk normal, we'll do it.
114 --
SPEAKER_02: I'll try to help you here, but...
115 --
SPEAKER_00: I'm ready to talk regular.
116 --
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
117 --
SPEAKER_02: All righty.
118 --
SPEAKER_02: I need your phone number of theory code.
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SPEAKER_00: 3, 4, 7.
120 --
SPEAKER_00: 2, 27...
121 --
SPEAKER_00: 2, 27...
122 --
SPEAKER_00: 8, 2, 2,000...
123 --
SPEAKER_00: 7.
124 --
SPEAKER_00: Okay, 347.
125 --
SPEAKER_00: Then what?
126 --
SPEAKER_00: Uh, 2, 27.
127 --
SPEAKER_00: 8227.
128 --
SPEAKER_00: 8227.
129 --
SPEAKER_00: 327.
130 --
SPEAKER_00: 327?
131 --
SPEAKER_00: 8227.
132 --
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
133 --
SPEAKER_02: And what credit card will you be using?
134 --
SPEAKER_00: I've got Discover.
135 --
SPEAKER_00: Discover.
136 --
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
137 --
SPEAKER_00: So anytime you're ready, I can proceed with that one.
138 --
SPEAKER_00: Okay, I'm ready.
139 --
SPEAKER_00: How long does it take?
140 --
SPEAKER_00: I'm ready, go.
141 --
SPEAKER_00: How long does the process take?
142 --
SPEAKER_00: usually.
143 --
SPEAKER_02: Can do your priority to meet you in a week or less?
144 --
SPEAKER_00: And what did you find out on turtle pleasure back there?
145 --
SPEAKER_02: I don't have anything on that, and then you're starting to get strades again here,
146 --
SPEAKER_02: so do you want to order this or not?
147 --
SPEAKER_00: Well, I'd like to put them all together in a bundle on bio.
148 --
SPEAKER_02: I don't have turtle pleasure, so we're not going to be able to help you there.
149 --
SPEAKER_00: How about Solomon Gumball?
150 --
SPEAKER_00: No, have nothing to them.
151 --
SPEAKER_02: Okay, this is over.
152 --
SPEAKER_02: That's no problem.
153 --
SPEAKER_02: Our next step, record shop. This is Rick.
154 --
SPEAKER_02: May I help you please.
155 --
SPEAKER_00: Do you have Shawna-N-N-N-N-A-H-Haw?
156 --
SPEAKER_02: Is this that statement?
157 --
SPEAKER_00: Yes.
158 --
SPEAKER_00: No, we don't want you.
159 --
SPEAKER_02: Our next to have record shop. This is Rick. May I help you please.
160 --
SPEAKER_00: Hey, Rick. Can you just take my phone number and get back to me if you find anything on Turtle Squirt?
161 --
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, what's your phone number?
162 --
SPEAKER_00: 27, 67, 27.
163 --
SPEAKER_00: No, you're going to have to give it to me clear here. You're playing games again.
164 --
SPEAKER_00: I'm ready to talk regular, Rick.
165 --
SPEAKER_02: No, uh-uh, no. Don't want to talk to you, okay?
166 --
SPEAKER_02: Come on.
167 --
SPEAKER_02: We don't want you calling us.
168 --
SPEAKER_02: Ernestub record shop. This is Rick.
169 --
SPEAKER_02: May I'll help you, please.
170 --
SPEAKER_00: You got He-Ha or Shaw-N-N-N-A?
171 --
SPEAKER_02: And we don't sell Shaw-N-N-A.
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SPEAKER_02: He-Haw.
173 --
SPEAKER_02: We used to have DVDs, but he-ha.
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SPEAKER_02: How about Turtle Squirt?
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176 --
SPEAKER_02: How about Turtle Posure?
177 --
SPEAKER_02: No, you're taking up our time here with nonsense, so.
178 --
SPEAKER_02: Just take my credit card number.
179 --
SPEAKER_02: No, I'm not taking a credit card number on you.
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SPEAKER_02: You just quit calling us, okay?
181 --
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to push around a little bit if that's what it takes.
182 --
SPEAKER_02: You come on anytime you want to, okay?
183 --
SPEAKER_02: I'm real easy to find.
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SPEAKER_00: I'm going to take care of you real quick.
185 --
SPEAKER_02: You just, you do stupid things, so just quit call it.